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Star Wars: The Old Republic Articles

Star Wars: The Old Republic Onslaught Impressions

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Onslaught released this past week. With it comes new story content, planets, flashpoint, operation, gearing system, and other quality of life features. It sounds like a lot but is it enough for a returning player to stick around once the new story content has been completed.

SWTOR's Onslaught is Short but Sweet

It’s been almost three years since Star Wars: The Old Republic got a new expansion. While I’m the sort of player who only returns to SWTOR for new story content, I’ve still been eagerly awaiting the game’s next big story drop. Despite some misgivings, I really enjoyed Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne and I’ve been craving more. Now that Onslaught is finally out, is it everything I’d hoped for?

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Onslaught Now Available

Just a quick heads up to all, SWTOR Onslaught is now available.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Closes Out Onslaught Class Showcase With Juggernauts And Guardians

Star Wars: The Old Republic's next expansion hits tomorrow, and the team at BioWare have been slowly releasing details about the upcoming changes for each class in Onslaught. After detailing all the classes thus far, SWTOR is rounding out their coverage of the Set Bonuses and Tacticals for Juggernauts and Guardians.

SWTOR Onslaught Trailer Gets Some Love From Official Star Wars Twitter Handle

SWTOR's latest update, Onslaught, received a new trailer which was tweeted out by the official Star Wars Twitter handle.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Showcases Marauder and Sentinel Changes Coming With Onslaught

As Star Wars: The Old Republic's upcoming expansion, Onslaught, is fast approaching. The team behind the Star Wars MMO have in recent weeks detailed the changes coming to each class with Onslaught. This week it's the Marauder and Sentinel classes.

SWTOR details Changes Coming to Snipers and Gunslingers in upcoming Onslaught Expansion

Changes are coming to Snipers and Gunslingers in SWTOR's latest Onslaught update.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Breaks Down The Changes Coming To Operatives And Scoundrels

As Onslaught approaches for Star Wars: The Old Republic, the team behind the MMO has been steadily detailing the major changes coming to each class. This time around it's the Operatives and Scoundrels.

Forum Discussion: Have You Ever Called In Sick For An MMO?

Here's an interesting question for you: have you ever called in sick to play an MMO?

SWTOR Breaks Down Set Bonuses and Tacticals For Mercenaries and Commandos; Onslaught Goes Into Final PTS Testing

Set bonuses for Mercenaries and Commandos in SWTOR have been outlined. Additionally, Onslaught heads into the final round of PTS testing. Let's take a look.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Breaks Down Season 11 PVP Rewards

In an article on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website, the team behind the popular MMO break down the Season 11 PVP ratings, as well as set up what's coming in Season 12. With the current PvP season coming to a close, the Star Wars team showcased a bit of what players who are at the top of their game have to look forward to.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Continues Its Onslaught Showcase By Breaking Down Assassin And Shadow Classes

As the next expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic approaches, the team behind the popular MMO has been showcasing the their upcoming class changes, including new abilities, set bonuses and tactical items. The latest classes to get this treatment are the Assassin and Shadow.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Showcases Sorcerer And Sage Changes Ahead Of Onslaught Expansion

Star Wars: The Old Republic's Onslaught expansion is coming, and the team has started to release some information regarding class changes players can expect to see when the new expansion hits. SWTOR showed off the Sorcerer and the Sage in a new series of articles that will showcase these upcoming changes, and more coming to Onslaught.

SWTOR Grand Galactic Sale Going On Leading Up to Onslaught Launch

SWTOR is currently hosting a Grand Galactic Sale leading up to the launch of Onslaught on September 22. Get ready for a multi-week sale with each week featuring new items.

New SWTOR Interview Breaks Down Onderon's Role Within The Upcoming Expansion

When Star Wars: The Old Republic's upcoming Onslaught expansion debuts on October 22, players will be able to go into the new adventure with a new appreciation for the lore thanks to a new interview.