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Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures

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Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Articles

SOTW: Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Winner's Announcement

Sony Online Entertainment recently announced a 10 million registered users milestone for Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures and we were lucky enough to partner with them to bring you a special Screenshot of the Week contest in celebration! After poring through your entries, we've selected our 10 winners. Check them out below!

New Darth Maul Screens

Darth Maul is ready to launch into Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. To celebrate, Sony Online Entertainment has released eight brand new screens. You can check them out in our Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures screenshot gallery!

Screenshot of the Week: Clone Wars Adventures Edition!

We're partnering up with SOE for a special Screenshot of the Week this week! In celebration of Clone Wars Adventures' recent 10 million registered users milestone, we'll be giving away 10 codes for 1000 Station Cash to the 10 best submissions this week.

Over 10M Registered Players

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures has now scored over ten million registered players. The kid- and family-friendly MMO is based on the Clone Wars Adventures cartoon series.

Battle of Umbara Launches

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that the Battle of Umbara update is now live on all Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures servers. Umbara brings multiplayer features into the game as well as a new mission instance called the Umbaran Airfield which ties directly into the cartoon series.

Takin' On the Aqua Droids

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures players have a new mini game to try out with the debut of Aquatic Assault. The new game gives players control of Kit Fisto and his Diver Propulsion Vehicle. Kit and his DPV are sent into battle against ever-increasing numbers of aquatic droids, Karkaradon and Quarren.

One Year, Eight Million Registered

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures is celebrating its first anniversary by announcing that over eight million players have registered for the game since launch.

All Your Base Are Belong to Us!

Sony Online Entertainment recently introduced a multiplayer extension of one of their most popular mini games in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. The original mini-game, Republic Defender, was a smash, but single-player, hit. With the new addition called "Galactic Forces", players have the chance to take one another on in a tower defense battle royale. Check out Carolyn Koh's impressions of Galactic Forces in her E3 2011 report.

Campaign for Iceberg 3 Roundtable Interview

Recently our own Mike Bitton was invited to sit in on a roundtable interview with Todd Carlson and Justin Dazet of SOE, as well as Dave Filoni, the Director of Cartoon Network's Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The topic on hand was the upcoming Season 4 of the show, as well as the tie-in for Clone Wars Adventures: Campaign for Iceberg 3.

Debuts in Five New Languages

Sony Online Entertainment and the Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures dev team have announced that the game is now localized into five new languages including rench, German, Spanish (Castilian), Spanish (Latin American) and Portuguese. Existing and new players can now change their language preference on the official site.

The Clone Wars Gets Festive

The folks over at Sony Online Entertainment have announced a slew of Holiday Content for their games. First up today, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures!

Mac Client Released

Sony Online Entertainment and Lucas Arts have announced that the kid-friendly Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures has been released for Mac. The free-to-play browser-based virtual world is based on the Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures series from Cartoon Network.

One Week = One Million Registered Users

LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment have announced that over a million users have registered to play the family-friendly Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. As a 'thanks for playing' reward, all players are being given a Golden Mouse Droid pet.

Clone Wars Enters MMOG Wars

In his latest Free Zone column, MMORPG.com's Richard Aihoshi talks about Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures. The article focuses on the growing trend in the MMOG space to create free-to-play, family-friendly, virtual worlds. Though a free to play element exists, there is also the budget (and family) friendly element of a low monthly subscription rate. Does SWCWA sit on the cutting edge of the next trend in the F2P market? Read Richard's thoughts and then weigh in with your own.

Offically Launched

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures has officially launched. Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures is a family-friendly MMO geared especially to the fans of the series on Cartoon Network. The game is free to play with the option of purchasing a 'Jedi Subscription' for about six dollars a month.