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Neverwinter: Avernus and Star Trek Online: House Divided Launch on PC

Marking the 20th anniversary of Cryptic Studios

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Cryptic Studios will be celebrating 20 years of game development with the launch of Star Trek Online: House Divided and Neverwinter Avernus on PC.

House Divided will be the 20th season of Star Trek Online and allow you to take part in the epic Klingon-centric war story alongside Martok from Deep Space Nine. It brings two new playable episodes to Star Trek Online. In addition, the new update includes  a new month-long House Divided event for players to participate in to receive the Red Angel suit/armor, a 5-person space TFO over the Klingon Penal Colony of Rura Penthe, along with a new Angel’s Wake Lockbox -- which contains the Ba’ul ship seen in the Star Trek: Discovery episode “The Sound of Thunder,” and Ba’ul Obelisk from Season 2 of Discovery.

Meanwhile, Avernus will take you on a journey across the Wastes of Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells, where players will meet Lulu, a curious hollyphant and Archdevil Zariel’s old companion, who arrives in what remains of the Vallenhas stronghold. You’ll be able to explore new story content as they fight their way through hordes of demons to continue the Descent Into Avernus storyline and take part in a brand new Path of the Fallen campaign. This new journey also lets players drive infernal war machines, unravel the mysterious past of the Archdevil Zariel and experience how their actions directly impact and evolve the world of Avernus.

Stephen D’Angelo, CEO of Cryptic Studios, provided the following statement in a press release looking back on the 20th anniversary,

“It’s a proud moment for all of us at Cryptic Studios, to be celebrating our twenty-year anniversary. What the studio has accomplished through the years is nothing short of spectacular and humbling. We want to thank our fans for the amazing support they’ve shown us these past two decades. We are excited to continue our legacy of delivering epic gameplay experiences for franchises that players love, including the upcoming launch of Magic: Legends.”

Additionally, the team announced several giveaway bundles for both Star Trek Online and Neverwinter on PC. To claim the items for Star Trek Online, players can find them in 1 MT, which can be found in the Bundles Tab of Mudd’s Market in the Zen Store.To claim the items for Neverwinter, players must log in between June 30 - July 6 and talk to the Rewards Agent.

These bundles include:

  • Star Trek Online
    • Platinum Vanity Shield - A colored overlay for the shield that protects your starship against energy-based attacks
    • Platinum Tardigrade Pet - Summons a non-combatant Tardigrade pet that will follow the player around
    • Platinum Phaser Sniper Rifle – Discovery Era Rifle for Ground Combat
    • 3x Specialization Points or Tech Upgrades
    • New Title: Cryptonian
  • Neverwinter
    • Platinum Fashion Set – Cosmetic clothing used to change a character's appearance. It has no effect on stats.
    • Platinum Vanity Pet – Summons a non-combatant pet that will follow the player around.
    • Rank 15 Enchantment Choice Pack – Contains your choice of a special enchantment that will change the stats of in-game items.
    • Bag of Companion Upgrade Tokens – A currency used to upgrade companions.
    • New Title: Cryptonian