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Sphere 3

NikitaOnline | Official Site

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  • PVP:

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    Studio 61 Nikita
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Sphere 3 Overview

Sphere 3 is a direct descendant of the first Russian-made MMORPG Sphere launched in 2003. Although designed to provide mostly PvP-focused experience, Sphere 3 still incorporates well-developed classic fantasy storyline which currently consists of more than 1000 quest penned by acclaimed Russian-speaking fiction writer Alexander Zorich (a collective pseudonym of literary duo of Yana Botsman and Dmitry Gordevsky). It will take approximately 600 hours in total to make a complete journey through the story of political deceit, war atrocities and wile treachery carried out by four playable races. What lies further is a high-level PvP gameplay built mainly around large-scale castle sieges occurring hither and yon in the tumultuous world of Sphere. There is a number of game modes tailored for advanced players such as, for instance, global quests often requiring a party of adventurers bold enough to rummage through the enemy territories. Players are allowed to face each other in battle on almost every bit of Sphere 3 virtual land, sometimes including starting areas. Unfettered freedom of action and novice-friendly features can both be found in the game's new non-target (a player is in full control of aiming) combat system.

  • Non-target, no compromises | Sphere 3 combat system provides total freedom of aiming, dynamically calculates the damage and allows a player to quickly pick an optimum attacking ability at a given range with its unique color telltale crosshair.
  • Performance for the masses | Moderate system requirements make Sphere 3 a perfect place for mass PvP action.
  • Epic, exciting and challenging castle sieges Conquering a castle is impossible without using an arsenal of siege weapon and demands a whole list of objectives to be completed by attacker (capture the flag points, wipe out NPC defenders, breach the gates etc.).
  • Unforgiving yet fair PK (Player Kill) and Karma system | PK is not persecuted in numerous free PvP zones, while gathering bad karma points causes an offender to lose both gold and items after death.