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SMITE Tactics

Hi-Rez Studios | Official Site


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SMITE Tactics Articles

Gigantic Season of Souls Giveaway!

To celebrate the launch of the new Season of Souls update for Gigantic, we’ve teamed up with Perfect World Entertainment and Motigato give away 100 of the sinister Desolation Skin for the game’s shooter hero, Voden. In addition we have 10 rare codes for Ezren Ghalis - a caster herowielding necromantic powers to damage his opponents, collect souls and trade themfor powerful abilities. Enter for a chance to win one of these free gifts now!

Early Access Preview

Duelyst really set the stage for how you can combine the fun of a card game like Hearthstone with the turn-based tactics gameplay of something like Final Fantasy Tactics to really spice up the digital card game experience. With Hand of the Gods (aka SMITE Tactics), Hi-Rez Studios is tapping into its popular SMITE MOBA IP to take its own crack at what is a nascent, but quickly growing genre.

Early Access Begins on Steam

Hand of the Gods: SMITE Tactics is looking to expand its open beta. As part of that initiative, Hi-Rez has released the turn-based strategy card game into Steam Early Access. Players can take part for free immediately. It's a great time too, as Hi-Rez just released a brand new patch that brings new features to the game including better combat logs, the Clan system, a deck tracker tool alongside the usual bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Hand of the Gods: SMITE Tactics Roman Starter Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given gift keys for Hand of the Gods: SMITE Tactics that will give players the Roman Starter Pack! This contains Halt, Rain of Arrows and Terra. Get your free key know!

Closed Beta - Playthrough with RipperX #1

Ripper jumps into SMITE Tactics Closed Beta for some beginning gameplay and impressions. After losing 4 Versus matches in a row, Ripper get's a bit pissy on the 5th and final match of the video.

Chinese Pantheon & Campaign Arrives

Hi-Rez has sent word that the Chinese Pantheon has entered SMITE Tactics. Players will be gifted several free cards from the Chinese line up and will be able to take part in a new campaign that can earn 300 Favor and a rare card.

Closed Beta Kicks Off Today

During this weekend's Hi-Rez Expo, the company announced that SMITE Tactics is now officially in its closed beta phase of development. Players are invited to head to the game's official site to sign up as a possible tester and to check out the Founder's Pack that contains fifteen card packs, a legendary card, a special icon and immediate access to CBT.

The Gods Await Your Command (Reveal Trailer)

SMITE Tactics is a game of strategy where players will carefully choose which minions to deploy across the battlefield and which gods will lead them. Every unit has unique abilities and players will build their armies prior to battle using collectible cards. Compete for prestige in 1v1 ranked competitive modes and experience various adventure modes versus AI. For more, visit http://www.smitetactics.com Subscribe to SMITE on YouTube to unlock Nu Wa, and the YouTube subscriber-exclusive Water