Skyforge Articles

Players will face off against Akonita and her empire in the newest update for Skyforge.

The Skyforge development team is providing players with a sampling of how "under-represented" classes will be seeing significant increases to damage output or by realignment of skills to provide a different game play experience. These changes will be incoming with the arrival of the Cybernetic Alliance update. The process of rebalancing classes is, as the devs write, an ongoing process that requires data collection and testing prior to making its way into the game.

The next big update for Skyforge will be landing in game on June 1st. Called 'Cybernetic Alliance', content includes new companions, a new boss battle against the Avatar of the Akonita, the overhauled equipment refinement system, class balance changes, and the second phase of the D-Series Distortions. and the Allods team are rewarding dedicated Skyforge players for their recent decisive victories against invaders bent on destruction. Beginning today, the Days of Glory event will kick off that sends players on an epic storyline with end rewards given based on choices made throughout the journey. The event will run through May 25th. and the Allods Team have announced that the latest Skyforge update, Reapers' Revenge, is now live on all servers. The patch brings a number of additions and improvements, including gamepad controller support, into Skyforge.

The Skyforge team has posted notification that the Reapers' Revenge update will be moving from April 20th to April 26th. According to the notice, the delay is "required for some interesting developments" that developers will be discussing in more detail next week.

The Skyforge team is giving players another sneak peek into the contents of the Reapers' Revenge update with today's article about new vectors. Vectors will enhance any one of several statistics (strength, luck, valor and spirit) as well as provide an increase to Prestige and Stamina.

Skyforge players will be able to upgrade their mounts in the next big update to the game coming on April 20th. In Reaper's Revenge, players will be able to both develop capabilities of pets or "strengthen" the internal workings of mechanized mounts. With upgrades, mounts will be stronger, more durable, and be able to travel much greater distances than before.

The Skyforge team is letting players know that the next update, Reapers' Revenge, is coming on April 20th and it is packed with new content and some welcome improvements to the Adventure Search Interface.

While not new to Skyforge, the Alchemist class has never had a starring role in a trailer. has corrected that oversight with today's release of the brand new Alchemist video. Check it out and then head to the Skyforge site to learn more about the class.

Skyforge players with access to their Divine Forms are invited to check out the Reapers of Death invasion that is now live in game. Players can send out pair of Adepts on two special missions that kick off every eight hours, one rewarding Gifts and Faith Points, the other Victor's Medals which allow the purchase of special items in the Invasion section of the marketplace.

Skyforge players will have much to explore with today's arrival of the Dark Omen update. Quality of life improvements have been put into place to streamline Pantheon activities including the new Pantheon Fusion Tool that allows groups to merge into single units.

The Skyforge team has announced that the next major game update will be released on Wednesday, March 16th. Called "Dark Omen", the update brings a number of new and improved features into the game. Players can look forward to a newly overhauled operation system; a new elder god questline; a Pantheon fusion tool; and new invasion symbols.

The Skyforge team has sent out a brand new trailer that shines the spotlight on the Knight class, a subsidiary of the Tank classes. Wielders of swords and boards, Knights stand between foes and other party members by utilizing defensive skills. Check it out!

The Skyforge site has been updated with the news that the first significant update for 2016 will be released on February 10th. Called "March of Knowledge", the update will feature changes to the UI, classes, Invasions and other quality of life improvements. In addition, the exterminators have swept through the game taking out troublesome bugs.