Skyforge Articles

Skyforge players can take part in the Days of Glory event from today through May 24th. The event comes in honor of the defeat of the Mechanoids at the Battle of Aelinar. Players will be able to take part in a number of activities to earn a special currency called "Ether Trace" that enables the purchase of celebratory items.

One thing that’s always bugged me about MMOs is that death is rarely final, with resurrection a button press away. Skyforge, the sci-fi fantasy from Allods, has an explanation for it: your character is immortal. Unfortunately, the life of a proto-god isn’t easy, especially when you must cultivate a flock of faithful believers to fuel your growing power.

Skyforge players are taking to space and heading to Aelion's moon during the New Moon Order event. While on the moon, players will be faced with a new obstacle: Low gravity. If that's not enough, there are deadly meteor showers. has announced that Skyforge for PlayStation 4 has now launched. To celebrate the big event, a brand new trailer has been released to set the stage for console MMO players just coming into the fold.

We've got 25 Skyforge Early Access packs to give away. These include ten Early Adopter packs, ten Extended packs, and five Ultimate packs.

Skyforge, the MMO from the Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment, is making it's way to PlayStation 4 on April 11th. In anticipation, TheHiveLeader got access to an early beta test to gather some first impressions. Is it better now? You betcha!

When Skyforge launched in 2015 on PC, we liked it, even if it felt ultimately shallow and overly complicated in some aspects. Fast forward almost 2 years, and the Allods Team/Obsidian MMORPG is launching on the PlayStation 4. Arguably, this is where the game should have been all along, as it seems custom-made for the console, and with recent changes made to progression and combat, feels a lot more fun to play. has announced that the Skyforge Early Access program for PlayStation 4 will kick off on March 28th, while on April 11th, the servers will open up for good.

Immortals in Skyforge can claim a bit o'the Irish with the arrival of the St. Patrick's Day celebration. Loot nodes have a "three-leafed" makeover and players will be able to grab hold of special green boxes, celebratory currency and items. The first box opened each day offers a 100% chance at a cosmetic item.

Global publisher and developer Allods Team are proud to bring the free-to-play action MMORPG Skyforge to PlayStation®4 worldwide.

Love is in the air in Skyforge with today's launch of the annual Valentine's Day event. Scheduled to run through March 1st, players can literally discover the Dark Side of Love by receiving bouquets from a love-struck Dryad as you travel throughout the game world. In return, she can gift you with rewards and even more goodies if you respond to her letters.

I’ve been dabbling in Skyforge lately, due to the overwhelming amount of changes we’ve seen made to the game in recent months. Curiosity got the best me, and I’m glad I made the return. While the recent overhaul to the campaign and removal of the Atlas have made waves of positive and negative in the community, the Skyforge I find today is a game that’s altogether more palatable and less confusing than before.

Aelion is bathed in the holiday spirit and Skyforge players are invited to partake in the goodness of the season. Immortals and Gods can receive daily prizes just for logging in. These can contain wings and offer discounts.

The Skyforge site has been updated with a new developer diary that informs players that the Council of Gods political system is going to be delayed for an indeterminate amount of time. During development, the team felt that the mechanisms and systems being put into place would not meet player expectations for Council of Gods and that it will be rebuilt from scratch.

Skyforge players will be able to take part in the annual Evil Pumpkin Festival starting October 27th and through November 11th. Players will meet holiday-themed creatures that drop candy rewards that can then be exchanged for costumes and musical instruments. In addition, the ability to play tricks on friends will also be part of the celebration.