Skyclimbers Articles

Skyclimbers, a world-building, open world action-RPG, has released 15 minutes of gameplay, and plenty of details related to the game during their "Skycon 2021" presentation on YouTube. The stylized, anime-inspired game is purportedly still on track to release on Steam later this year.

We recently reported about a new game, Skyclimbers, which is an open-world multiplayer RPG with an Alpha planned for PC in Q2 of 2021, and its monumental funding success on Kickstarter. We're happy to report, that the Kickstarter has now completed, and Paratope's final pledge total is $340,721 out of the initial $25,000 it intended to raise to finish the game.

Skyclimbers has been climbing the stretch-goal ranks over the past couple weeks, now breaking through the 250K mark as they head to the finish line with over 1000% of their funding met.

Skyclimbers hit Kickstarter on February 9th, and so far it has been a resounding success, as they currently sit at $176,713.00 out of their initial total asking pledge of $25,000.