Shadow Realms Articles

The short period of time between Shadow Realms’ announcement and its subsequent cancelation has left me back where I started: scratching my head. I can’t help but wonder what went on internally to make for such a sudden shift within a couple of months. is reporting that "multiple sources" are telling them that Bioware's much-hyped Shadow Realms is dead in the water. There are no links to original sources for the rumors nor any word as to whether or not those providing the tips have inside information. What we do know is that little to no information about the darling of last year's Gamescom has come out since that time.

Shadow Realms is the next RPG to come out of Star Wars: The Old Republic developer BioWare Austin. With Shadow Realms, BioWare hopes to recreate the tabletop RPG experience by pitting a group of four players against a fifth player playing as a ‘Shadowlord’ who essentially acts as the mission’s dungeon master.