Dark or Light

Sweet, Salty, Popcorn Gaming

William Murphy Posted:
Reviews 0

The current level cap is 52, with 54 coming soon, a new Polearm-wielding Death Scythe female character class coming, raids, and more. All this is well and good, if raiding, grinding for gear, and similar activities are enough to keep you busy. For me, I’ll gladly return to Devilian whenever I feel like I need a quick combat fix, or a game that doesn’t take a lot of time to get some sort of rewards or satisfaction. It’s a very casually paced MMO that favors short sessions just as much as it favors those with hours to devote towards dungeon runs and PVP.

Even as I’m writing this, having spent my own $150 on the Founder’s package, I feel compelled to log in. I know it’s not the deepest most immersive MMORPG available, but it’s fun when I want to blow some steam – something I need to do a lot of these days. Bigger better Action MMORPGs may be on the way, but who knows how long it will be before we see Lost Ark or Lineage Eternal show up in the West. For what it is, Devilian is the best MMOARPG we’ve got right now and there’s reason to believe it’ll get better and more robust should Trion and Bluehole Ginno stand behind their service here in the west. Like many of you, I wish they didn’t gender lock classes, I wish the game’s questing wasn’t so static and repetitive, but the combat and group dungeons and hell mode dungeons are fun enough that I’ll stick around and see what’s to come.

Autorun is actually a feature you’ll find yourself using to get through the questing…

Devilian is free to play, and is infinitely better than most other imported MMOARPGs on the market right now. If not having an MMO world isn’t a deal breaker, you might be better off with Diablo 3 or Path of Exile. But if you’ve always wished TERA and Diablo would just make a baby and let you have a Corgi pet, then this is the game for you.

Gameplay – 7 | Combat in Devilian is the game’s brightest spot. All four existing classes are fun to play, and this is especially true when grouping for PVE and PVP. Sadly, the game’s questing is repetitive and dull, so going through the same content more than once proves to be a real chore.

Visuals and Sound – 7 | Devilian can easily run on a wide range of systems, mainly because it does little to push the visuals very far. They’re generic, but have a certain charm, and there are definitely worse games out there. Sound design is surprisingly good though, with each zone and area having nice ambience and a solid score.

Polish – 7 | It’s clear that there’s been some effort put into Devilian’s localization. Quest dialog is witty, often funny, and referential. That said, it’s hard to say that the game was entirely ready for its Western launch with the state of PVP and class balance being what it is. In PVP, it’s Evoker FTW.

Longevity – 5 | Leveling in Devilian is extremely easy. If you do wind up tiring of the game’s rote questing mechanics, you can always use the Abyssal Tower from the mid-twenties on to pretty much hit the cap in a couple dozen hours of play time. Once there, aside from grinding to get better gear or working on your Proficiency (Alternate Advancement), there’s not a lot to do unless you enjoy repeating dungeons.

Value – 8 | As a Free to Play MMO, Devilian is inherently a good value. That said, there are some things we can’t really get behind, like the ever-present lockboxes and lottery chests to get the game’s best mounts or pets. Still, you needn’t ever spend a dime, and you’ll still have just as much fun as the chumps like me that spent $150.

6.8 Okay
  • Fun Hell dungeons
  • Fun, addictive combat
  • Loads of systems to tinker with
  • Out of whack PVP balance
  • Terribly bland questing
  • The Devilian mechanic is meh

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William Murphy

Bill is the former Managing Editor of MMORPG.com, RTSGuru.com, and lover of all things gaming. He's been playing and writing about MMOs and geekery since 2002, and you can harass him and his views on Twitter @thebillmurphy.