Record of Lodoss War Online Articles

Record of Lodoss War Online launched on Steam a couple of weeks ago and is inviting interested players to head into the game to participate in a number of celebratory events. As players level and reach certain benchmarks, they will be rewarded with a package of goodies to fuel the next benchmark. In addition, players can take part in the Main Quest Completion Event that will yield a reward package including bonus XP for a week and several other in-game items.

Record of Lodoss War Online was recently updated with a new patch to bring the Guild Hall System on board. With the new system in place, players will be able to create guild halls for communities over level 50 and at least ten members. Special scrolls and NPCs will allow members instant access to the gulid hall.

GameNGame has released a large new update to Record of Lodoss War Online that includes the new Mercenary System, a level cap increase to 120 and 40-player raiding. In addition, a number of quality of life improvements were added to fields, dungeons and labyrinths.

Korean games platform "Game & Game" has announced that it has launched a global version of Record of Lodoss War Online. The release of the game also includes the Shaman character as well as a number of "summer outfits".

Record of Lodoss War Online trailer