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Radical Heights

Boss Key Productions | Official Site


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Radical Heights Articles

It Appears Boss Key Employees Were Not Forewarned About Studio Closure

A series of Twitter posts from (former) Radical Heights Lead Producer Ron LaJoie seems to indicate that he did not know that Boss Key Productions was closing until he was told by his 10-year-old daughter. She sent him a copy of the press release from Cliff Bleszinki where he announced that Boss Key was "effectively shut down". It is unclear whether other employees were told ahead of time or not.

First Impressions - Battle Royale with That 80s Jam

Battle Royale is the current trend in shooter video games of late. In comes the latest soldier in the BR army, Radical Heights brought to us by Boss Key Productions (the dev team that brought us Lawbreakers). Are their tweaks to the genre enough to distinguish them from the crowd? Let's find out in this first impressions piece.

After the Last Update, You Can Dive Through Windows!

BossKey has posted the lengthy patch notes for the first update to Radical Heights, its version of battle royale with a distinctly 80s kick. Along with a boatload of bug fixes and feature enhancements, players will find a more optimized, stable client as well as new bike tricks, more customization options and even the ability to dive through plate glass windows without a scratch. Talk about making an entrance!