Project Honor Overview
Project Honor is a class-based, online action RPG where you can go on adventures solo or with friends to get loot and resources to gear out your character. It is being developed by Notorious Studios, a studio formed by former World of Warcraft devs Chris Kaleiki and Douglas Frazer, with significant investment from OTK. Project Honor is inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien and Warcraft and the studio views it as a new emerging genre that blends PvP and PvE elements. It was officially announced during the first ever OTK Games Expo in 2022, and is in the earliest beginnings of the project. Details highly susceptible to change.
- An Immersive, Dangerous World
We're building a brand new core fantasy world using Unreal Engine 5 to immerse yourself in beautiful worlds filled with mystery and danger - The Ultimate Class Fantasy
Our mission is to deliver the ultimate experience of playing core RPG classes like the Mage, Warrior, and Priest with unique, class-specific gameplay and role-defining character art. - Action Combat Reimagined
We’re rethinking the standard RPG combat system -- featuring an immersive 3rd person camera with melee combat, spells, and abilities all geared towards an engaging multiplayer PvPvE experience.