Dark or Light

Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr. / Victor Barreiro Jr. maintains The Devil’s Advocate and The Secret World columns for MMORPG.com. He also writes for news website Rappler as a technology reporter. You can find more of his writings on Games and Geekery and on Twitter at @vbarreirojr.

September 2010
Last Active
September 2022
Will Piracy be Worth It?

Becoming a pirate is something that not many ArcheAge fans are aware that can happen in the forthcoming game published by Trion Worlds. In our latest ArcheAge column, we take a look at the pirate life and opine as to whether or not it's a worthwhile choice for players. Read on before leaving your thoughts in the comments.

Sub Standard

The talk about subscription-based games has been ongoing for the past several weeks since several major titles announced their intentions to utilize subs. In our latest Devil's Advocate, we revisit the topic with a few additional thoughts about the revenue model. Read on and then leave your reactions in the comments.

The Petulant Child of PAX

It is no secret that the writers and creators of the Penny Arcade comic and the founders of the PAX convention series have been the center of several year's worth of controversy. In our latest Devil's Advocate column, we take a look at some of that controversy and offer a few thoughts. Read on before heading to the comments to add your voice to the discussion.

Disheartening Talk

Trion recently underwent a restructuring round due to financial pressure. As those changes affect ArcheAge is unknown as Trion has remained silent. We take a look at the possible impact the restructuring may have on ArcheAge. Read on and then head to the comments to chat.

The 'Let's Play' FFXIV Impasse

To today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at this summer's most anticipated MMO, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and a topic that many players may not be aware of as they log into the game. Find out what you might be missing and then head to the comments to leave us your thoughts.

In Sickness & In Health

Illness is a fact of life and is occasionally introduced into the games we play. But what if it were more prevalent and had an effect on gameplay? In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at that notion. See what we came up with before heading to the comments to chat.

Games Journalism

Games Journalism is one of the hot topics across the games space with its wide variety of opinions and voices. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at the topic from our own unique perspective. See what we think and then leave your ideas in the comments.

Different Kinds of Sand

Every game these days seems to make a claim to be a "true sandbox experience". But are all sandboxes created the same for the same reasons? In our latest ArcheAge column, we take a look at "Different Kinds of Sand". See if you agree before heading to the comments to talk it up.

Developer Appreciation

Developers get a lot of flack from us players, and more often than not it's unfounded. Like yelling at a quarterback or point guard on your favorite team, we're just venting when something we love doesn't go as planned. In today's Devil's Advocate, Victor shares a novel idea: a feeling of developer appreciation.

When Power Diminishes Us

Rich and poor are facts of human existence. It's something we all know. But does that same disparity factor into the games we play? In this week's Devil's Advocate, we examine the notion and offer a few ideas. See what you think before lending your voice to the conversation in the comments.

Videos, Factions, and Elrar Speaks

This week's ArcheAge column is filled with all kinds of great news. We've got new videos and commentary to share, as well as more about factions and the newsy post that Community Manager Elrar sent out earlier this week. Read on and then leave your comments!

Enjoying r/Outside

Today's Devil's Advocate takes a slight detour to introduce our readers to "Outside", no, not that mythical land beyond your own front door, but, rather, a game that has captured our attention. Find out why and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

Making Stuff, Breaking Immersion

Immersion is always a hot topic when it comes to MMO players. Some want it desperately, others not so much. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at the issue of player content and immersion. See what we've got to say before heading to the comments to discuss it further.

Music, Arts, and... Swimsuits?

It seems an unlikely trio of ways for fans to show off their work in game, but ArcheAge will feature the ability for players to tout their music, their artwork and the ever-popular swimsuits. See what we've learned about these features and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

Botting is a Weird Word

Botting is one of the dirty words in MMOs today. In our latest Devil's Advocate, botting is the subject du jour. See why we think "botting" is a weird word and then tell us what you think of the subject in the comments.