Dark or Light

Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr. / Victor Barreiro Jr. maintains The Devil’s Advocate and The Secret World columns for MMORPG.com. He also writes for news website Rappler as a technology reporter. You can find more of his writings on Games and Geekery and on Twitter at @vbarreirojr.

September 2010
Last Active
September 2022
Game On Speak and Library Dungeons

Our recent Game On podcast interview with Trion Worlds' CEO Scott Hartsman covered all things Trion but, most importantly, ArcheAge information. We've got the wrap report about what was said and our analysis of it. Read on!

Explaining It All

A separate pair of interesting features cropped up last week to help explain exactly what EverQuest Next: Landmark is and how it differs from EverQuest Next itself. We take a look at what was revealed and offer a few thoughts. Read on and then head to the comments to chat.

Day and Night & Good Discussions

In our latest EverQuest Next column, we take a look at the most recent Community Round Table released by the team and the discussion of day-night cycles. See what we gathered from the video and then head to the comments to offer your thoughts.

Wishing for More Answers

In our latest ArcheAge column, we take a look back at last week's interview with Executive Director of XL Game ArcheAge Division Yinzi Cheng and how some of the answers received left us feeling that we needed to poke a few holes in the responses. See what we mean and then head to the comments to talk it over.

The Storytelling Toolbox

It was a big week in EverQuest Next this week with the release of the latest Round Table in which the dev team spoke about story and lore. Check out our thoughts about what was said before adding your own ideas to the comments.

XLGAMES Address Monetization Worries

ArcheAge in Korea currently utilizes a rather complex monetization system. In a brand new interview, we spoke with Executive Director of XL Game ArcheAge Division Yinzi Cheng about the complicated system and about player concerns with it. Read on and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

Taking the Hits

Late this week, Trion's CEO, Scott Hartsman, headed over to ArcheAge Source to chat with the community about the localization efforts for the North American / European version of the game. We take a look at what Hartsman had to say and offer a little analysis. Check it out before leaving your thoughts in the comments.

The Value of Claim-Staking

Claim-staking in the world of EverQuest Next Landmark is going to be as exciting as the Oklahoma Land Rush in the late 19th century. In today's column, we take a look at the value of land claims and a lot more. Read on and then let us know what you think in the comments.

Calculations, Schmalculations

Recently, MMORPG.com hosted an AMA session with Trion Worlds' Scott Hartsman. In it, he revealed some potentially nifty information which we take a look at in our latest ArcheAge column. See what he said, what we think before heading to the comments to add your own ideas.

When Change Comes Knocking

Change is never an easy thing to take though it is a frequent visitor to the MMO space. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at change and how the communities of the games in question have reacted. Read on before heading to the comments.

A Deep Sadness with Culture

There is little argument that MMO players represent a microcosm of the world at large. Occasionally, however, gaming becomes an escape from the forces that shape our lives. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at culture, gaming, sadness, escapism and more. Check it out and then leave us our thoughts in the comments.

Sex & MMOs Part 1

Sex in MMOs is always a "hot" topic. In our latest Devil's Advocate, we tackle the subject with some interesting thoughts. See what we think before heading to the comments to add your own.

RU Gonna Play?

While North American players have been clamoring for more information about when ArcheAge's beta might begin, Russian players have had a ton of great news this week. In our latest column, we see what our Russian friends are all excited about. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Calamities and the Internet Response League

The world is rife with natural and man-made disasters. As the Internet has grown, so has the ability to keep informed. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at an organization, The Internet Response League. See what it's all about before tendering your thoughts in the comments.

A WAR Worth Fighting For?

The news that Warhammer Online: Age of Recknoning is closing in December has come as a shock to some. In today's Devil's Advocate, we peer into the crystal ball to examine things that just might have prevented this sad happening. See what we think before leaving your own ideas in the comments.