Dark or Light

Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr. / Victor Barreiro Jr. maintains The Devil’s Advocate and The Secret World columns for MMORPG.com. He also writes for news website Rappler as a technology reporter. You can find more of his writings on Games and Geekery and on Twitter at @vbarreirojr.

September 2010
Last Active
September 2022
Of Keywords and Claim Expansions

Hey folks, welcome to another edition of MMORPG.com’s Landmark column. Most of this week’s content actually occurred in last week’s November 14 update, so for those playing Landmark religiously, you’ll likely know what I’ll be talking about.

The Long Wait, An Era’s End

Victor fleshes out some translated information from a Japanese interview held at the FFXIV London Fanfest and reminsces about the time before A Realm Reborn.

Quality of Life Enhancements

SOE has been hard at work at adding more quality of life improvements to the game, most notably in terms of graphics rendering as well as the building system of the game. Here’s what to expect if you haven’t logged back and updated the game in the past two weeks.

Onward to the Heavens!

Most of you are likely waiting to learn more about what comes after 2.4, so let’s do a Louisoux-ian timeskip and talk about Heavensward, the first expansion for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

Ogres, Dwarves and an Impending Update

Over on the Workshop show, it’s a battle between Dwarves and Ogres! Meanwhile in Landmark land, the team announces plans for multi-thread rendering and SLI support in the next update, among other things!

Sayonara, PlaySpan Payments

PlaySpan is gone for making payments to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. What now, pray tell? Read on!

Progression on Paper

Landmark has an updated roadmap towards its development, and we dive in to find the best bits.

Fantasy Hybrids: The Support Class

Victor delves into a fantasy topic for FFXIV: ARR. How would a hybrid support class that can fulfill multiple roles work in a game like Square Enix’s?

Why Did Omeed Go?

What did Omeed Dariani mean when he referred to a community-first marketing approach? What was SOE doing with its marketing that made him want to try to steer the marketing direction in a different way and eventually leave? Today, we’ll try and see if we can better understand that thought process.

The State of Eorzea's Housing

Today we’ll be discussing the Great Eorzean Housing Crisis. We’ll be tackling what happened, what went wrong, and what Square Enix is doing to lessen the sting individual housing news has brought.

Flushing Money Down the Drain?

Victor finds toilets have come to Landmark, and wonders if he’s flushing money down the drain supporting crowd-funded gaming efforts.

The Quest for Flight

Some of you may be wondering what’s so special about this tribe of beastmen that merits everyone’s support all of a sudden? Simply put, the Ehcatl Nine Beast Tribe Quests mix tangible gameplay rewards for crafters in the game with the promise of a rousing tale told incrementally as you continue the questline.

Ready for Combat!

Combat is a staple of nearly every online game, and Landmark finally has its Combat 1.0 in the form of PVP on flagged claims. Let’s discuss how this plays out, shall we?

New Friendships to Forge

Unlike previous FFXIV mini-patches, Patch 2.35 provides an entirely new incentive to leveling a new crafting class. There’s a Beast Tribe that wants your help making items for them, and it’s up to you to be the goodwill ambassador and get them what they need.

Wishing on an SOE Live Star

What I’m hoping will come out in SOE Live is partly a rehash of my earlier E3 wishlist. That said, with slightly more information available now, this SOE LIve wishlist is going to get some validation very shortly after publication. Will I get anything right this time?