Victor Barreiro Jr. / Victor Barreiro Jr. maintains The Devil’s Advocate and The Secret World columns for He also writes for news website Rappler as a technology reporter. You can find more of his writings on Games and Geekery and on Twitter at @vbarreirojr.
September 2010
Last Active
September 2022
Instead of the regularly scheduled FFXIV or Everquest Next column, I thought we might take a bit of a detour, as a new announcement rocked the realm of Vana’diel earlier this week.
Looking for answers to your burning FFXIV: Heavensward questions? Have a look at the archived information and links to some interviews!
Victor shares his thoughts on the Storybricks shutdown, and wonders what it means for the tech of Storybricks itself
Victor discusses Eorzea’s Triple Triad card game. Is it just as you remember it from FFVIII?
I’m trying my best right now to be eloquent about the recent news of layoffs in Daybreak Game Company. Sadly, it’s 4:00 am as I write this, a reactionary submission to in light of my tenure as the Everquest Next and Landmark columnist.
Looking for some recommended reading and viewing material for that time you’re not spending playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn? Look no further!
Victor chimes in with some positivity regarding Sony Online Entertainment’s transition to Daybreak Game Company.
To my darling beloved, I remember, back in the day, when we used to be together. You were the most beautiful game on the planet, and I couldn’t help but fall for your beauty.
Victor wonders if SOE has taken away the magic of a video game by explaining the trick behind making it work.
A few more days before the Fall… a claim to splendor, one and all. A world of darkness does await, with little glories that won’t abate!
Let’s remember a year of Landmark development by looking at two good and bad aspects of the game that are likely to be transformed or improved upon by Everquest Next’s development.
Victor discusses the Astrologian and Machinist and the pre-Heavensward plans of Yoshi-P for Final Fantasy XIV.
Victor rounds up two more features that Everquest Next might want to take from its rivals!
Hey folks! We’ll be taking a bit of a detour today from our regularly scheduled updates of Landmark to discuss the future of Everquest Next. It’s not a real future for Everquest Next, but an imagined future where Everquest Next launches with some features thrown in there adapted from other games.
Focusing on the expansion may be premature, as shooting for longevity means giving people more things to try out for their enjoyment, even if they don’t completely become popular or well-adopted.