Dark or Light

Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr. / Victor Barreiro Jr. maintains The Devil’s Advocate and The Secret World columns for MMORPG.com. He also writes for news website Rappler as a technology reporter. You can find more of his writings on Games and Geekery and on Twitter at @vbarreirojr.

September 2010
Last Active
September 2022
Chasing Alexander

Taking a cue from my favorite Seinfeld actor (Yes, the title is a pun on Jason Alexander), I wanted to touch on the new raid that happens to be the latest endgame for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward.

The Echo and Heavensward Gating

Victor muses about the Echo, a story element in Final Fantasy XIV that allows Heavensward gating to seem less annoying from a lore standpoint.

A Flying Quest and the Return Home Campaign

Want extra details on learning flight in Heavensward? Look no further than this handy guide on flight and Square Enix’s Return Home to Eorzea Campaign!

The Last Words Before Early Access

If you’re jumping into FFXIV’s expansion after a long day at work, here are some last minute reminders to lessen any logistical surprises.

Starting FFXIV Today

Is now a good time to get into FFXIV? Victor discusses the pros of starting FFXIV today.

How FFXIV is About to Get More Accessible

Victor rounds up the changes coming to FFXIV that should making accessing Heavensward less troublesome for everyone. Read on for Victor's full thoughts and details on the recently announced changes.

Is the Barrier to Entry too Steep?

In a post titled, “New players and the expansion. Massive barrier to entry. You have been warned,” user Foomerang discussed how the currently-known requirements to access Heavensward content in the future were a bit of a frustrating thing for someone who preferred playing the game as a crafter-gatherer type. So, how bad is it really?

The Heavensward Hype Train Keeps Going

Victor discusses some new videos as the hype train for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward chugs along. Today’s talk is less of me talking and more of you folks watching a bunch of videos. To wit, there are actually four videos we’ve got in store for you today with regard to Heavensward, so we’ll start with the order they’ve been presented in YouTube, save for this one video that’s already been shown in a previous news release.

Of Faith, Poetics, and Preorders

The past two weeks have actually been quite calm in terms of big announcements, but Square Enix has made some changes to extend the bridge to more level 50 players seeking to complete the story in preparation for the expansion.

The Benchmark Tool and You!

Square Enix released the FFXIV Benchmark tool, and Victor explains what it can do for those new to to benchmarking (besides just being cool to wet your Heavensward appetite for the next month).

7 Optional Goals to Reach Before Heavensward

Aside from prepping for Heavensward’s release, here are 7 optional goals you can undertake while waiting for June. These goals are by no means required, but they’ll keep you busy while waiting for the expansion.

Prepping for Heavensward

Victor outlines what you’ll need to prepare for the Heavensward expansion of Final Fantasy XIV.

Why I Call Eorzea Home

Which game do you consider your “home?” Victor talks about Eorzea, his second home.

A Spoiler-Less Post on Patch 2.55

Don’t have time to scroll through the often-long FFXIV patch notes? Here’s an overview you can get through in 5 minutes.

Virtual Duty Finders and You

Victor details the new Event and Party Recruiter on the Lodestone. It’s not just for in-game events!