Victor Barreiro Jr. / Victor Barreiro Jr. maintains The Devil’s Advocate and The Secret World columns for He also writes for news website Rappler as a technology reporter. You can find more of his writings on Games and Geekery and on Twitter at @vbarreirojr.
September 2010
Last Active
September 2022
There is this notion among players that free-for-all PvP is a necessary and, indeed critical, component of the mythical "sandbox" game. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at that notion and analyze whether or not that's a fair expectation. Check it out!
There are many ways that our games employ the idea of exclusion, wrongly so in most cases. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at what exclusion is and how we and the folks who make our games can work together to be more inclusive. Check it out!
Player retention, particularly in today's overcrowded MMO market, is something that developers and publishers wrestle with constantly. In our latest Devil's Advocate, we take a look at player retention, what it is and what is going to become. Check it out!
Perceptions shape the world in which we live and are ofttimes unalterable, or so we believe. However, in today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at how new information can sometimes change how we perceive things and help us change our way of seeing them. Read on and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.
Ah yes. The old real money transaction discussion is once again raising its knobby head here at In today's Devil's Advocate, we wonder why people bother in the first place. See if you agree and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.
In today's Devil's Advocate column, we take a look at the increasingly annoying regional restrictions that many MMOs today employ including *gasps* Star Wars: The Old Republic. See if we're on the mark with this and then let us know what you think in the comments.