Dark or Light

Sam Plaisance

December 2023
Last Active
Pax Dei Devs Discuss Their Pace, Transparency, and More In Latest Blog Post

The developers at Mainframe Industries want the players and fans of Pax Dei to know that transparency is key to them and that they are doing their best to keep everyone in the know. 

Seekers of Skyveil Unveils Their Next Closed Beta Playtest and Details Creator Program

The upcoming team-based PvPvE title Seekers of Skyveil has yet another playtest coming, but you'll need to get accepted to jump in.

Once Human Terms of Service Causes Mass Panic and Review Bombs

The zombie-filled FPS Once Human was released on July 9th, and though there were several fans ready to dive in head-first, some were turned off by the allegations of the title being considered Spyware. 

Season of Discovery Phase 4 Is Now Live, Bringing Ragnaros and A Secret Dungeon

For those who have wanted to get back to their roots and face Ragnaros in their original form, the time is nigh, as World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 has gone live. 

Ravendawn Will Be Getting Its First Expansion Horizon's Call On August 9th 

In just 30 days, according to the Ravendawn countdown timer, the Horizon's Call expansion will go live and bring a plethora of new content with it. 

Monsters and Memories Update Showcases New Team Members and Concept Art

The old-school style indie title Monsters and Memories is making leaps and bounds of progress, as the developers release another update detailing what's to come. 

The Quinfall Second Closed Beta Test Has Begun 

The time has come to set sail to loot and pillage the world of The Quinfall, as the second closed Beta test has begun. 

Apex Legends Battle Pass Gets Major Overhaul

The developers at EA and Respawn have decided that the Battle Pass within Apex Legends needs to evolve, and some of these changes may not be so favorable. 

Capcom Gives Up On Dino-Fighter Exoprimal After Just One Year

Exoprimal appears not to have taken off as the developers at Capcom had hoped, and that may have been confirmed by the fact that the game will no longer receive any updates after this final season ends. 

Final Fantasy Creator Hironobu Sakaguchi Admits To Being Scolded For Playing Too Much Final Fantasy 14

Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi was scolded for stopping work in order to get his fill of Final Fantasy XIV.  

Fallout 76 PTR Testing Legendary Crafting Changes

The developers of Fallout 76 are about to begin testing a new Legendary Crafting System in-game, but they are also adding a new feature for those who thoroughly enjoy customizing their home base.

EverQuest Producer's Letter Discusses Server Changes, Events, and More

It has been a big year for EverQuest fans, with the Fippy Fest event and several in-game events to celebrate the Year of Darkpaw. Yet, this is only the beginning, as we get a new look ahead.

Overwatch 2 Devs Discuss Why Tanks Feel So Squishy and Balance Changes

Blizzard has noticed that tanks in Overwatch 2 feel squishier than ever, and they have decided to reveal their plans for balance changes to address it.

Nexon's The First Descendant Launched Yesterday To Mixed Reviews, Day One Issues

Nexon launched its looter-shooter The First Descendant yesterday, and it's fair to say the reaction has been mixed. Couple that with launch day issues that have plagued the live service and Nexon is promising compensation for the trouble.

Sky: Children of the Light Celebrates 5th Anniversary With New Feature and Events In-Game and in Japan

As Sky: Children of the Light celebrates its fifth birthday, there will be in-person events and a celebration in-game for all players to attend, as well as a new feature to enjoy thanks to the latest update.