Dark or Light

Sam Plaisance

December 2023
Last Active
Blizzard Lets Players Keep Diablo 4 Tempering Recipes that Carried Over to Seasonal Characters

Some in-game bugs are worth fixing, but Blizzard has decided to let the tempering recipe mistake ride out all of Diablo 4 Season 5. 

Tarisland Introduces New Arachnophobia Inducing Spider Boss

If squishing and beating bugs to a pulp is your thing, the new boss introduced to Tarisland could be both extremely creepy and right for you. 

Final Fantasy XIV Celebrates All Things Feline For International Cat Day

It's the small things in life that can put a smile on our faces, and bending over to pet a virtual kitty cat in Final Fantasy XIVor heading to the Moonfire Faire are some of them.

Lego Fortnite Brings Battle Bus, Fast Travel and More In Latest Update

Customization options and more have made their way to LEGO Fortnite, but one key feature brings the Battle Bus to the world of survival. 

Apex Legends Shockwave Update Brings New Maps, Modes, and More

A new update is heading to Apex Legends, as Shockwave is said to bring more mayhem, more revivals, and a new map to explore as we bash our foes to bits.

Predecessor, The MOBA Built on the Bones of Paragon, Fully Launches August 20th

After almost two years of Early Access development, the developers at Omeda Studios have announced that the 1.0 launch of Predecessor is coming soon.

Valorant Shadowdropped on Console Today, Leaving Fans Shocked and Thrilled

With zero warning from Riot, Valorant is now free to play on console, as the first-person shooter shadowdropped mere hours ago. 

Guild Wars 2 Talks Homesteads Coming To Janthir Wilds In Latest Devblog

Homesteads are making their way to Guild Wars 2, and the developers have revealed some helpful information for fans ready to get things cracking on their own plots of land.

Cozy Multiplayer Magical World of Spellfarers Launches Into Early Access

The cozy magical multiplayer farm sim Spellfarers has released into Early Access. 

Throne and Liberty Open Beta Stats Showcase One Player's 27 Second Kill Time

Upcoming MMORPG Throne and Liberty held an open beta test earlier this month. Amazon Games offers a glimpse into the action with some stats from the beta.

Upcoming Kickstarted Open-World RPG, Peasant, Shatters Its Funding Goal

Finnish developer Harakka Studio's upcoming open-world RPG, the Peasant, shattered its Kickstarter goal earlier this month, and with just over 60 hours remaining, it seems to keep building.

Diablo 4 Season of the Infernal Hordes Goes Live August 6th

Season of the Infernal Hordes kicks off in Diablo 4 on August 6th, allowing us to take on massive hordes of demons at once. 

Palia Summer Serenade Update Brings Fresh Decor and New Buildings

Summer has arrived in the world of Palia, as the latest Summer Serenade update brings fresh decor, new places to hang out with friends, and more. 

VR MMO Zenith Shutters Three Shards to Consolidate Remaining Players

The developers at Ramen VR have announced that three existing Shards in Zenith will no longer be online, as the team is taking down any that are unused or not as populated as the others. 

Fallout London Launch Bugs Are Being Worked Out Little by Little

Team FOLON has taken note of a few pesky bugs that stop players from enjoying the new content within their massive Fallout: London mod.