Dark or Light

Jon Wood

July 2005
Last Active
November 2011
ATitD Review

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle writes this review of the game that has gone through many tellings, but still retains its true sandbox nature, A Tale in the Desert.

New Numbers From PlaySpan

MMORPG.com's Jon Wood uses new numbers revealed from the (legitimate) item sales site PlaySpan to make a point about putting released numbers in context.

EVE Survivor Guy, Part Five

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle sets out on his fourth week of exploration in EVE Online as he writes about this adventures, good and bad, coming into the game for the first time.

What We Know

MMORPG.com's Eric Barnett kicks off a new column this week focusing on Star Wars: The Old Republic. This week, Eric gives a brief overview of the information we already have at our disposal.

1.3.5 Interview

MMORPG.com's Michael Bitton recently sat down with Warhammer Online Producer Carrie Gouskos to talk about the game's upcoming 1.3.5 patch which changes endgame city sieges and a number of other game elements.

Roper Update Interview

MMORPG.com's Garrett Fuller recently interviewed Cryptic's Bill roper about Star Trek Online, Champions and the future for Cryptic Studios.

My Money’s On Potter

MMORPG.com columnist Justin Webb dedicates his column inches this week to the idea of a Harry Potter MMO.

Wishes for EverQuest III - Pt. 1: Norrath

MMORPG.com writer Phil James takes some time this week to tackle the idea of an EverQuest III and what he'd want to see done with the world of Norrath.

Godslayer Beta: Early Impressions

MMORPG.com's Bill Murphy got his hands on the beta for the Age of Conan expansion, Rise of the Godslayer. Today, he brings us his very early impressions with a more detailed report to come later.

I Get Questions

MMORPG.com's Free Zone columnist Richard Aihoshi writes his column this week in answer to a number of questions that he gets on a regular basis, covering everything from the basis of his columns to providing a new trivia question.

Returning to Vanguard

New MMORPG.com contributor Justin Vincent writes this look at returning Vanguard after, like many others, having abandoned the game some time during its turbulent launch.

The PvP Quiz

MMORPG.com's Jon Wood has put together these general questions about PvP in MMOs to test your knowledge.

The PvP Quiz

MMORPG.com's Jon Wood has put together these general questions about PvP in MMOs to test your knowledge.

Demoing Rift

MMORPG.com's Bill Murphy recently traveled to the Trion offices and sat in on a presentation and demo for Rift: Planes of Telara.

Avoiding the Elephant

MMORPG.com's Jaime Skelton writes this week's column about the elephant in the room known as World of Warcraft.