Dark or Light

Jon Wood

July 2005
Last Active
November 2011
New Exclusive Screenshots

We haven't heard anything from the dark sci-fi game Black Prophecy recently, but to help break their silence, the team has provided us with these three new screenshots of their game.

Eve Online Survivor Guy Week Six

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle sets out on his sixth week of exploration in EVE Online as he writes about this adventures, good and bad, coming into the game for the first time.

Rise of the Godslayer Impressions Pt. II

MMORPG.com's Bill Murphy got his hands on the beta for the Age of Conan expansion, Rise of the Godslayer. Today, on launch day, he brings us some more impressions of the new addition.

Trying the Waters: Role-Playing

MMORPG.com EVE Survivor Guy tries his hand at surviving in another medium as Adam Tingle makes his first forray into the world of role-playing... with mixed results.

“Ultimate” Transmedia

MMORPG.com columnist Justin Webb breaks down the idea of Transmedia and tells us how it applies to MMOs.

What if... Dark Age of Camelot 2

MMORPG.com's Garrett Fuller writes this article about the possibility of a follow-up to Mythic's first RvR MMO, and what he would like to see included therein.

A Day in the Life of a Community Manager

Lucy Song, the Community Manager for Dragon oath, writes this developer blog giving our readers an idea of just what it is that a Community Manager actually does.

Nexon Making More Major Moves

MMORPG.com Free Zone columnist Richard Aihoshi focuses this week's column on one of the biggest players in the F2P market, Nexon and its recent acquisition of NDoors.

Wishes for EverQuest III - Pt. 2

MMORPG.com writer Phil James takes some time this week to tackle the idea of an EverQuest III and what he'd want to see done with the world of Norrath.

The MMO Cancellation Quiz

MMORPG.com's Jon Wood has put together these general questions about MMO cancellations to test your knowledge.

The MMO Cancellations Quiz

MMORPG.com's Jon Wood has put together these general questions about MMO cancellations to test your knowledge.

Update 1.3 Report

Update 1.3 for Global Agenda is up on the test server and our own Bill Murphy brings us the latest information.

Cult of (Multiple) Personality

MMORPG.com's Jaime Skelton uses her Player Perspectives column this week to talk about the darker side of the role-playing sub-culture in MMOs.

New Numbers From PlaySpan

MMORPG.com's Jon Wood uses new numbers revealed from the (legitimate) item sales site PlaySpan to make a point about putting released numbers in context.

Seven Expansions We Want Now

MMORPG.com's Bill Murphy returns with this week's List, counting down seven expansions, both real and fictional, that we'd like to see.