July 2005
Last Active
November 2011
Recent lawsuits have given way to's Jon Wood waxing poetic about what an MMO based in the Rifts universe might be like.
Recent lawsuits have given way to's Jon Wood waxing poetic about what an MMO based in the Rifts universe might be like. EverQuest II expert Phil James writes this look at EverQuest II and some of the reasons that people who may have missed the game might want to try it out. Today, he focuses on some of the additional features the game has to offer.'s Justin Webb uses his column inches this week tot alk about Facebook, wacky privacy settings and what it can mean to you as an MMO gamer.'s Phil James continues his "survivor" series of articles, focusing on the post-apocalyptic vistas of Fallen Earth and some misadventures had trying to attend a simple event.
A recent personal tragedy has prompted Player Perspectives writer Jaime Skelton to talk this week about the very real nature of online friendships and the loss that can come from them.
Based on the recent announcement of The Old Republic's first non-human race,'s Michael Bitton kicks off a series that examines what some of the other possibilities might be.'s Bill Murphy has been playing the first Age of Conan expansion, Rise of the Godslayer and today brings us his official review of the new addition.'s Jon Wood explores the "us vs. them" attitudes that seem to have arisen between developers and players.'s Jon Wood explores the "us vs. them" attitudes that seem to have arisen between developers and players.
The folks from Aika have been kind enough to provide us with these three exclusive screenshots from their upcoming Ashes of Betrayal expansion.'s Carolyn Koh recently attended the LOGIN conference. While there, she took in a number of panels including the keynotes and a predictions for the future talk. Here, she brings us the primary points. writer Adam Tingle has been sent out into the wilds of EVE Online. His mission? To report on his findings as he simply tried to survive in the game reputed to have the largest learning curve in all of MMOs.'s Carolyn Koh recently attended the LOGIN conference. While there, she attended a lecture that focused on the tutorials in video games and how they could be approached differently. Star Wars: The Old Republic columnist Eric Barnett writes this look at the recently announced advanced classes for the upcoming game and talks about how their advent opens up a new world of playable possibilities.