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Evan Wilkinson

October 2004
Last Active
December 2016
Free Content What 'Responsible Companies Do'

In an informative post on the Guild Wars 2 forums, Colin Johansen has written about some of the upcoming plans the team has for providing free content to players. It is summed up very nicely by a statement that indicates that free content should be paramount.

Looking for shoutcasters and the biggest RTS fanboys ever!

It's just that simple: are you, or you do know someone, the biggest RTS fanboy ever? Do you breathe Protoss stats? Does knowing every Hero attribute keep you up at night? Is eSports bigger than the Stanley Cup? If yes, we NEED to talk to you.

GOG.com Giveaway

Good Old Games (GoG.com), a leader in the Real Time Strategy genre, has provided our sister site, RTSGuru.com, with a chance to win one of ten different games from their rather extensive library. Enter the contest to win!

Paradox Interactive Game Giveaway

Paradox Interactive, a leader in the Real Time Strategy genre, has provided the community here at RTSGuru.com with a chance to win one of ten different games from their rather extensive library.

E3 Photo Gallery

The team from MMORPG.com was hard at work last week at the 2010 E3 Expo. While there, our resident photographer captured as much of the excitement as possible from the show floor, games, booths and girls are all here.

Tour of NCsoft's Austin Offices

Just after the Austin Game Developers Conference, Jon Wood, Keith Cross, Evan Wilkinson, and Laura Genender all of MMORPG.com were given an opportunity to have a tour of the Austin, Texas offices of NCsoft. MMORPG.com site developer and graphics monkey Evan Wilkinson gives this report on the experience.

Interview with Nathan Richardsson of EVE

Today at AGDC, Laura Genender talks with EVE Online's senior producer Nathan Richardsson about Revelations 2.2, and what's up and coming in Revelations 3.0

Interview with NetDevil about Lego MMO

On Wednesday at the Austin Game Developers Conference, News Manager Keith Cross took some time to sit down with NetDevil President Scott Brown and Jumpgate: Evolution Producer Hermann Peterscheck to find out a little more about the recently announced Lego MMO.

Intervew with NetDevil at AGDC

On Wednesday at the Austin Game Developers Conference, News Manager Keith Cross had the chance to sit down with Jumpgate: Evolution Producer Hermann Peterscheck and NetDevil President Scott Brown to talk about Jumpgate Evolution.

Stargate Worlds Art Interview

On the first day of the Austin GDC, Keith Cross had a chance to sit with Kevin Balentine, PR Manager for Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment.

Jeff Strain Video Interview

MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood is in Leipzig for the Games Convention. While there, he caught up with ArenaNet Co-Founder Jeff Strain to talk about Guild Wars; past, present and future.

Elf Presentation Video!

MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood is in Leipzig for the Games Convention. While there, he had a chance to sit down with EA Mythic's dynamic duo, Jeff Hickman and Paul Barnett. The pair gave us their presentation on Elves in Warhammer Online.