Dark or Light

Adam Tingle

May 2009
Last Active
October 2015
Second Thoughts: Magister Mundi Sum!

The MMORPG.com tandem team of Bill Murphy and Adam Tingle have been independently playing a lot of Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising over the last weeks and have each written their own review of the game. In our Second Thoughts review, Adam Tingle offers his thoughts on the game. Check it out and then be sure to read Bill Murphy's review as well.

Threatening to Destroy All That Once Was

Eden Eternal devs make no bones about the fact that they want to turn the "free to play" market upside down with Eden Eternal. In a new preview of the game, MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle takes a look at Eden Eternal to see how it's faring in its quest to be something new and exciting on the F2P horizon. Read on and then leave us your comments!

Returning to EVE Online Part 4

EVE Incarna has finally arrived and developers are spending a lot of time touting new features including the Capatin's quarters and much more. In the latest installment of his Survivor Guy series, MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle heads back into EVE continuing his adventures in space. Check out Survivor Guy: Returning to EVE Part 4 and then let us know what you think.

Survivor Guy: Returning to Eve Online Part 3

MMORPG.com's resident Survivor Guy isn't finished with EVE Online yet as part 3 of his Returning to Eve Online jets into the column line-up. Read more of Adam's continuing adventures in the EVE universe. Be sure to tell us some of YOURS in the comments.

Survivor Guy: Returning to Eve Online Part 2

EVE Incarna is fast approaching with developers spending a lot of time touting new features including the captain's quarters and much more. In his latest Survivor Guy series, MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle heads back into EVE to see how he does after a year's respite from the game. Check out Survivor Guy: Returning to EVE Part 2 and then let us know what you think.

Outside the MMO Box: LA Noire

LA Noire burst upon the scene recently and has been taking the gaming world by storm. As part of our continuing series of articles devoted to games outside the MMO sphere, Adam Tingle takes a look at LA Noire. Check out Adam's thoughts on the game and then let us know if you've played and what you think.

Open Beta Preview

GamersFirst has launched APB Reloaded onto the gaming world in the form of the open beta. By all reports, huge numbers of players are taking advantage of the opportunity to see the game in its new iteration. MMORPG.com columnist Adam Tingle is one of those whose been entertaining his bad boy side in APB Reloaded and he's got some thoughts to share. Check it out and then leave us a comment or two.

Survivor Guy: Returning to Eve

EVE Incarna is fast approaching with developers spending a lot of time touting new features including the Capatin's quarters and much more. In his latest Survivor Guy series, MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle heads back into EVE to see how he does after a year's respite from the game. Check out Survivor Guy: Returning to EVE and then let us know what you think.

Outside the MMO Box: The Witcher 2

One of the most keenly anticipated RPGs hit store shelves last week when CD Projekt's The Witcher 2 finally arrived. In our continuing look at games that generally lie outside the MMO box, columnist Adam Tingle has taken a good look at The Witcher 2 and has some thoughts to share. Check out what Adam has to say about The Witcher 2 and then let us know your thoughts as well.

The Official Review

MMORPG.com Survivor Guy has been playing a lot of Xsyon lately, enough so that he's ready to reveal the official MMORPG.com review of the game. See what Adam thinks of Xsyon and then let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Survivor Guy Part 3

MMORPG.com's resident Survivor Guy, Adam Tingle, is back at it again with part three of his adventures in Xsyon. This time, Adam has been venturing about the world creating his own personal Eden. Adam gives his humorous take on all things Xsyon. Check out what Adam has faced in his continuing adventures in Xsyon. Be sure to leave a comment or two when finished!

Survivor Guy Part 2

MMORPG.com's resident Survivor Guy, Adam Tingle, is back at it again. This time, Adam has been spending some quality time with Xsyon. In today's second installment of Xsyon Survivor Guy, Adam gives his humorous take on meeting, discussing and plotting in Xsyon. Check out what Adam has faced in his continuing adventures in Xyson. Be sure to leave a comment or two when finished!

2011 Re-Review

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle has been spending some quality time with Runescape and has some new insights into the game in the official MMORPG.com re-review. Check out what Adam has to say and then add your comments to the mix when you're finished.

Xsyon Survivor Guy

MMORPG.com's resident Survivor Guy, Adam Tingle, is back at it again. This time, Adam has been spending some quality time with Xsyon. In today's report, Adam gives his humorous take on exploring, necessities and shelter in Xsyon. Check out what Adam has faced in his first baby steps into Xyson. Be sure to leave a comment or two when finished!

The Progression Server

To the joy of veterans around the world, EverQuest devs and Sony Online Entertainment recently launched a pair of brand new 'progression servers'. Both servers quickly shot to capacity as players began playing EQ on an even keel with fellows. MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle was one of those who gleefully launched himself on the progression server. See what he thinks of the experience. Be sure to leave us a comment or two below.