Dark or Light

Adam Tingle

May 2009
Last Active
October 2015
Our Official Pride of Taern Review

Taern is a browser based game that we've been putting through its paces over the last little while and we've got our official MMORPG.com review to share with you. Check it out and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Seekers of Adoulin Preview

Square Enix recently announced the next expansion to its very popular Final Fantasy XI. Called "Seekers of Andoulin", the expansion is set to bring some nice new features into the game. We've got a preview of what players will find. Check it out!

Hands-On Preview

Salem is a game that is generating a lot of buzz for many reasons, most notably its permadeath option. We had the chance to check it out in person and have a full report. Read on!

The Aion 3.0 Review

Aion 3.0 was officially released not that long ago and brought some significant changes to the game. We've been checking out what's new in our latest review. See what we think and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Dripping with Nostalgia

The Pride of Taern is a new game with a retro look that will attract a lot of folks who wax nostalgic about the 90s. We've given The Pride of Taern a look and have a first preview for you. Check it out!

What We Want in Tribes Universe

Recently released, Tribes Ascend has scored big for fans of the shooter genre which gives pause for thought to we who are eagerly anticipating Tribes Universe, a much more MMO-ish sort of game. We've got a few thoughts about what we would like to see in Tribes Universe so keep reading!

Fanfest Preview

During the recent FanFest, we had the chance to preview CCP's Dust 514, to find out more about this ground-breaking game. See what we discovered and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

The Road to Inferno and Beyond

We had boots on the ground during the recent EVE Online Fanfest and we've got the full report about what the CCP team has in mind for the iconic game. See what's in store!

Ready When it's Done

During last week's CCP FanFest, the team was ready to unwrap a tiny corner of the World of Darkness, a game that many players are quite interested in. We've got the full report from FanFest so keep reading!

FanFest 2012 - Party on Top of the World

Last week marked the annual CCP - EVE Online FanFest. We were on hand to hear all of the good things coming about about EVE Online and more. In this event report, we give you the skinny on all the haps at the Party on Top of the World. Check it out!

The EVE Online Re-Review

Adam Tingle has been playing EVE Online for a good long while and has plenty to say about a game that continues to outperform many of its more current competitors. See how EVE Online fares after all this time in our latest re-review. Leave us your thoughts in the comments.

The Future of FFXIV Interview

We had the chance recently to sit down with Naoki Yoshida, producer on Final Fantasy XIV about all the changes coming down the pipe to the game, and how the new team expects to really turn things around for the venerable series' second MMO installment.

First Look Preview

Recently we attended Gamigo's own convention in Hamburg, Germany and while there we got our hands on Drago Entertainment's Grimlands, a post-apocalyptic tour de force that you just might want to make room for on your most anticipated list.

First Look Preview

We recently had the opportunity to attend a press day for all of the gamigo line up of games. One of Gamigo's most compelling titles is Otherland, a forthcoming MMO based on the best-selling series by Tad Williams. See what we discovered and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

The Making of a Classic Part 2

Yesterday our readers were treated to the first of a two part history of the grand old Lady of MMOs, Ultima Online. Today we continue our look at how this venerable title came to be in part 2. Read on and then share your memories!