Dark or Light

Adam Tingle

May 2009
Last Active
October 2015
Dark Age of Camelot Re-Review

Nine years after its original launch date, Mythic's Dark Age of Camelot is still running and our own Adam Tingle ventured back into the game to give it a new review.

Eve Online Survivor Guy Part Eight

Today, MMORPG.com EVE Survivor Guy Adam Tingle wraps up his eight week journey into the universe of New Eden.

EVE Survivor Guy, Part Seven

MMORPG.com writer Adam Tingle has been sent out into the wilds of EVE Online. His mission? To report on his findings as he simply tried to survive in the game reputed to have the largest learning curve in all of MMOs.

Testing The Waters: Role Playing 2

MMORPG.com EVE Survivor Guy tries his hand at surviving in another medium as Adam Tingle makes another move into the world of role-playing, causing a virtual stir in the process.

Eve Online Survivor Guy Week Six

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle sets out on his sixth week of exploration in EVE Online as he writes about this adventures, good and bad, coming into the game for the first time.

Trying the Waters: Role-Playing

MMORPG.com EVE Survivor Guy tries his hand at surviving in another medium as Adam Tingle makes his first forray into the world of role-playing... with mixed results.

A Tale in the Desert V Review

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle writes this review of the game that has gone through many tellings, but still retains its true sandbox nature, A Tale in the Desert.

EVE Survivor Guy, Part Five

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle sets out on his fourth week of exploration in EVE Online as he writes about this adventures, good and bad, coming into the game for the first time.

EVE Survivor Guy, Part Four

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle sets out on his fourth week of exploration in EVE Online as he writes about this adventures, good and bad, coming into the game for the first time.

EVE Survivor Guy, Part Three

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle sets out on his second week of exploration in EVE Online as he writes about this adventures, good and bad, coming into the game for the first time.

Ryzom Re-Review

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle writes this week's review of Ryzom, a game launched in 2004, and plagued by numerous issues that still has some kick left in it, even after six years.

EVE Survivor Guy Week 2

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle sets out on his second week of exploration in EVE Online as he writes about this adventures, good and bad, coming into the game for the first time.

Survivor Guy: New Eden - Week One

MMORPG.com writer Adam Tingle has been sent out into the wilds of EVE Online. His mission? To report on his findings as he simply tried to survive in the game reputed to have the largest learning curve in all of MMOs.

Reviewing 2Moons

MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle takes this look at Acclaim's 2Moons, a F2P game launched back in 2007.