Dark or Light

Victoria Rose

Victoria's been writing about games for over eight years, including small former tenures with Polygon and Fanbyte. She mostly spends time in FFXIV, head-deep in roleplay campaigns or stubbornly playing Black Mage through high-end raids. Former obsessions include Dota 2 and The Secret World (also mostly roleplaying). Come visit their estate: Diabolos (Crystal DC), Goblet, Ward 4, Plot 28.

December 2014
Last Active
February 2025
Pax Dei's New Grace Currency System Arrives This Thursday

Pax Dei has introduced its Grace currency system, which allows players to buy or earn currency for minor convenient 'blessings.'

You Can Now Trade Up Your Chaotic Alliance Raid Rewards In FFXIV's Latest Patch

The 7.16 update for Final Fantasy 14 allows you to trade up your Cloud of Darkness earnings for other stuff, and the role quests and latest PvP series continue.

Palworld Shares Roadmap, Pal Popularity Poll For First Anniversary

Palworld has given a preview of its upcoming changes and is asking fans for input on their favorite Pals.

Black Desert's Next In-Person Adventurers' Oasis Will Be in Dallas

The next iteration of the real-life official community event series has been announced for Dallas, Texas, taking place on March 1. 

Genshin Impact Developer HoYoverse Required to Disclose Gacha Banner Odds In US FTC Settlement Accusing Developers of Exploiting Players - Updated

A newly published settlement between the FTC and HoYoverse targets HoYoverse's unchecked permissions for children to play and exploitative loot box and microcurrency systems.

Last Epoch Dev Provides Insight on the Bug-Squashing QA Process

Eleventh Hour's Senior Technical Quality Assurance Tester, took some time on to give a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to get a bug squashed. 

Live Service God of War Game By 'Demon's Souls' Remake Studio Reportedly Canned By Sony

A live service God of War game by Bluepoint was cancelled by parent publisher Sony, according to a Bloomberg report.

Wargaming Donated Over $20,000 To Veteran Service Dog Charity Campaign To Get Campaign Past Its Goal

An ongoing charity drive is benefitting K9s for Warriors, which provides service dogs to veterans, and Wargaming donated plenty to bring it past its $20,000 initial goal. 

VtM: Bloodlines 2's Vampire Protagonist is An Elder, Will Have Nearly 40 Ending Cards

The latestg ives an extended discussion of the vampire protagonist's concept, plus a preview of the introduction and ending.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Confirms Steam Deck Verified Status, So You Can Take 'Cloud Gaming' On The Go

Square Enix has announced that FF7 Rebirth will be fully playable on Steam Deck, as the game's received Steam Deck verification.

Playtesters Solicited For Craig Morrison's Studio's Horseback Mystery MMORPG

Blue Scarab is soliciting playtesters for its 'cozy horse riding' MMORPG 'with a dash of dark mysteries.'

Diablo 4 Players Can Tap Into New Occult Abilities in Upcoming New Season of Witchcraft

The new season later this month gives players a series of quests and bosses that grant new Witchcraft abilities, prizes, and more. 

Once Human Lets You Swap Gender After Fixing Women To Pose More Woman-Like Now

Once Human now has gender swapping and fixes that include 'female character optimization.'

Pantheon Gets Weekly Patches Starting Today

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen announced the first of its weekly Wednesday patches for the Early Access phase.

Broken Ranks Turns Up The Heat In Next Update's New Map

We're getting more information on what players can come to expect when this update drops--and it's pretty damned soon.