A veteran of the US Army, raging geek, and avid gamer, Red Thomas is that cool uncle all the kids in the family like to spend their summers with. Red lives in San Antonio with his wife where he runs his company and works with the city government to promote geek culture.
February 2014
Last Active
June 2021
Bless Online came out this week, and Red Thomas takes an early look at how to leash the beast. It’s more complicated than you might think, and maybe one of the better taming systems to date.
Conan Exiles has continued to capture the attention of Red Thomas, and a recent recon in force along the Thoth Amon Trail turned into a total Golf-Foxtrot. One thing the local Darfari are about to learn, you don’t Foxtrot with Sarge.
Waiting on the next cool game can be a little frustrating. Red Thomas tried a few in the last week and had some thoughts about why Black Desert Online remains a very viable game for sating gamers during the periodic digital dry spells.
The new jungles of Conan Exiles called to US Army veteran Red Thomas, and he disappeared into them. When the editors attempted to contact him, they found Red near Xalthar’s Crossing standing amidst the dismembered bodies of his slain enemies. His only words were, “They drew first blood, not me! They drew first blood…”
BATTLETECH has released and MMORPG.com’s resident Steiner brought all systems online for a week of robotic mayhem. Red Thomas calls out some of the surprising things that you might not have expected to stand out in the latest mech installment by Hairbrained Schemes.
Crowfall development pace continues to increase as the game pushes boldly into 2018. Red Thomas makes a trip to the team’s studio to find out what fans can expect on the immediate horizon, and is granted an unexpected treat.
Shroud of the Avatar developer Portalarium is charging hard at their release date, and Red Thomas made a run to Austin and sat down with the team to get caught up. Backers will still see the normal development pace right up to go-time, so Red explains some of what they should see over the next couple months.
Walking the floors of PAX South, Red Thomas came across a game that might be his favorite find in the last few years. A little time talking with the developers only left him more interested…
Descent: Underground signs a new publishing deal, and the project now has new life. Red Thomas explores the project’s history after a frank conversation with Eric Peterson. Nothing’s off limits as they talk about the ups and downs of crowd-funded development, and discuss what the new publishing deal means for the project.
Shroud of the Avatar developer Portalarium signed a publishing deal with European publisher Travian Games. Red Thomas stops by the offices in Austin, TX to find out what impact the deal has on the game.
Fresh back from hiatus, Red Thomas makes a trip to Austin, TX and catches up with the Crowfall team. Persistence is the watch word of the day, and Red finds plenty of reasons to be excited about development since his last visit.
Shroud of the Avatar development moves into another quarter with a Title III raise underway and developer Portalarium looking to make a big pivot towards a publishing phase. Red Thomas makes his way back from Austin to let you know how crazy the next few months could become.
Double rainbows can take a hike, as Crowfall developers pull a hat trick of major announcements after a week of confusion. They let the community know there’d be a big reveal, but just failed to mention that reveal was actually three big reveals on the same day.
Crowfall lead men, Gordon Walton and Todd Coleman, take some time to talk with Red Thomas about their progress over the last month, what backers should see in the near future, and they answer some reader questions.
With aim somewhat more accurate than a certain trigger-happy green alien, the team behind Shroud of the Avatar spoke with Red Thomas about coming efforts to wrap up some big holes in offline gameplay.