Dark or Light

Red Thomas

A veteran of the US Army, raging geek, and avid gamer, Red Thomas is that cool uncle all the kids in the family like to spend their summers with. Red lives in San Antonio with his wife where he runs his company and works with the city government to promote geek culture.

February 2014
Last Active
June 2021
Graveyard Keeper: Embalming Guide

Are you tired of subpar graveyards? Do you feel like you just never get the pristine bodies the other guys do? Well, does Red Thomas have an article for you. Scalpels ladies and gentlemen, because Red’s about to show you how to embalm like a pro in Graveyard Keeper.

Good Eats

Red Thomas dives in the seemingly innocuous dining environment available in Monster Hunter World and explores some of the unexpected complexities in the system.

Live Trapping

Red Thomas has been playing Monster Hunter World, and today he explains how to take and complete capture missions. Red also explains why capturing is often better than killing when it comes to armor.

Phantom Doctrine: The Cold Noir is Hot

As early as 1800Z 06AUG18, Red Thomas asked at least four former intel colleagues to join him in playing Phantom Doctrine by CreativeForge Games. The individuals gathered at REDCAVE and game session is expected to have lasted a minimum of 6 hours.

Missions [Re]Started

No Man’s Sky has really become far more developed since launch and the mission system is a big part of that. Red Thomas takes a look at the mission system in the game and makes some suggestions for how players might get the most out of their time running missions.

Economy [Re]Started

Red Thomas has continued playing Post-Next No Man’s Sky and has put together a rough guide for the economy since the game patched. Drastic changes in resources and system trading has completely trashed old guides, so here’s a little to get you restarted.

Getting [Re]Started

Red Thomas takes a look at the Next update for No Man’s Sky and provides this handy getting started (or re-started) guide for players new to the game or returning from a long self-imposed hiatus.

Outpost Zero: 10 Tips to Get Started

Outpost Zero is now out on Steam, but it plays a little differently than the other survival games you’ve played before. Red Thomas presents ten tips to help players get started on their new robotic empire.

Is Crowdfunding Good?

Red Thomas takes a second look at crowdfunding. He’s explored some of the problems with games using the crowd-funded model, now he looks at some of the reasons why it might be good for games and consumers.

Is Crowdfunding Bad?

As more crowdfunded games reach launch, it’s a good time to take a look at the process of getting from funded to finished. When it surged in popularity, we didn’t know if crowdfunding was a good idea or not. Now that the process has been tested a few times, we have more information available on which to base an informed opinion.

Trion Worlds: Major Strategy Shift

Trion Worlds recently purchased Gazillion Entertainment and are now taking major steps that could offer a viable path to market for indie projects. Red Thomas weighs in on the business move and what it might mean for the industry moving forward.

Layoffs Hit Portalarium

Shroud of the Avatar developer Portalarium laid off employees this week. Red Thomas happened to be in Austin anyway, so he stopped by to talk to Richard Garriott and Starr Long to get details.

Inspecting Incursion

A new league has started in Path of Exile, and Red Thomas created a new character to check it out. He touches on some of the new features unique to the league and offers some tips for players who want to give it a shot.

Bivouac with C.A.M.P.

With Bethesda’s Fallout 76 presentation at E3, fans are already pumped for the next entry in the franchise. Red Thomas steps in to crush dreams and incite nerd-rage by explaining how the game won’t be exactly what a lot of folks seem to be expecting.

10 Tips to Progress Faster

Red Thomas is still playing Conan Exiles and after a hard weekend of starting over on a new server, has a few tips on getting going. If you’re new to the game, these are must-have tips for being competitive, and even veteran players might find good details for improving their game.