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Red Thomas

A veteran of the US Army, raging geek, and avid gamer, Red Thomas is that cool uncle all the kids in the family like to spend their summers with. Red lives in San Antonio with his wife where he runs his company and works with the city government to promote geek culture.

February 2014
Last Active
June 2021
Eco: Getting Educated

Red Thomas interviews John Krajewski from Strange Loop Games, the studio behind Eco. They talk about how the game came about, early funding, and some of the ideas the team has for future growth.

Warp Nexus: Independent Ideas

Warp Nexus is a new space-centric MMO being developed by Wyrmbyte. Red Thomas talks with company President Scott Brown about the studio’s vision for the game and what their timeline looks like.

Not So MMO - Eco: By Our Powers Combined

Red Thomas dives in Eco, a game developed originally as an educational tool and now an Early Access title on Steam. Can a surprisingly interesting game with new ideas create new buoyancy for the Survival genre?

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: 7 More Things I Didn’t Know

Hey, Agents! We have something special for you over here. Red Thomas returns to Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 with more tips for players. Enhance your calm, John Spartan, and let Red make a few more suggestions on also how to enhance your in-game experience, as well.

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: 9 Things I Didn’t Know

Top Ten lists are for plebs, so Red Thomas offers nine tips for The Division 2 players drawing on his own experience in the game. If you’re a new player or returning from the first game, Red lists things he didn’t know until later that may help in maximizing your gaming experience.

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: Red Divided

Red Thomas looks at The Division 2 and assesses whether he thinks it’s worth the buy or not. Red explores some of the content differences that have changed since the first game and ponders whether his previous story-breaking constitutional concerns still trouble him in the sequel.

Red’s Read on Anthem

Red Thomas takes advantage of his Premier Origin Access to check out Anthem, the latest result of Bioware and EA tag-teaming efforts. Red gives his impressions of the game and makes a few predictions on its sustainability.

Entropia Universe: Update and Crafting

Entropia Universe released sixteen years ago and with a new update out this week for the game, the developers offered to show Red Thomas around and answer questions. Red talks a bit about some of the new changes and explores crafting a bit more with the help of the devs.

Entropia Universe: My Surprise

Sixteen years ago, Entropia Universe released, and Red Thomas ignored it. Years later, Red has a reason to try the game and gives readers his thoughts about why some players may want to give it a look.

Subnautica: Below Zero – Above Average

Unknown Worlds Entertainment releases the next installment of their fantastically innovative Subnautica. How does Subnautica: Below Zero stack up against its predecessor? Red Thomas dives in to give readers his thoughts on the new game.

Crowfall – Dynamic Campaigns Online

Red Thomas makes another of his frequent trips to Austin, TX. This time, he stops in at the ArtCraft Entertainment offices to talk about the state of Crowfall and what’s on the near horizon for the team. Massive steps forward in December herald a surge in content that should excite fans over the next several months.

A Day with a Media Badge

Red Thomas writes about the days leading up to PAX South from the perspective of someone attending with a media badge. Have you ever wondered what these events were like from the journalistic side? Red pulls the sheets back for you and reveals the deepest darkest secrets of the biz!

Astellia Online – Falling Our Way

Astellia Online is another MMO headed our way from the Asian market, but will it remain an awe-inspiring heavenly body like Halley’s comet or explode on (near) impact like the Tunguska object? Red attends a launch party and endures all forms of hardships to find out for his readers.

What a Red Likes

With PAX South around the corner, Red Thomas walks readers through what he likes in a game. As he walks the floor in San Antonio, what kinds of games are more likely to catch his eye? Red answers that, and he also divulges how the coolest kids (eg, Red) pick their games.

Sea of Thieves – Also Misrepresented

Everyone loves a good pirate game, as a certain recent release proved, so Red Thomas takes an exploratory dip into Sea of Thieves to explore why some of his earlier impressions of the game may no longer hold true.