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Red Thomas

A veteran of the US Army, raging geek, and avid gamer, Red Thomas is that cool uncle all the kids in the family like to spend their summers with. Red lives in San Antonio with his wife where he runs his company and works with the city government to promote geek culture.

February 2014
Last Active
June 2021
Crea - The Hidden Gem

Red Thomas recently discovered the indie game Crea. Developed by a tiny team of five, the game has flown under the radar. Red takes a look and explains some of what makes Crea different from other games in the genre.

OPINION: Red’s Read on Exclusives

Red Thomas takes on exclusive deals between publishers and distribution platforms. Is Epic hurting the community through exclusive deals with publishers that keep popular games away from other providers like Steam?

Crowfall - Embargoed!

Embargoes and crafting herald a new era in the Crowfall development cycle. Red Thomas makes a trip to Austin to learn more and shares what he finds with readers. How has the game been impacted by the “fortunes of war” and what can backers expect moving forward?

Astroneer: With Kids!

Red Thomas encourages one of his nephews to break the rules while being grounded recently to play some Astroneer. He did it for science, so here’s to hoping his mother won’t be too mad about it. In either case, Red’s pain is your gain as he delves into playing Astroneer with kids!

Colony Survival: With Kids!

Red Thomas takes a look at Colony Survival and borrows children from his sister again to see how kid-friendly the game might be. Red explores the game with his nephews and comes up with a few ideas for how to help youths enjoy the game a little more, though with some adult support.

Astellia Online – Falling Our Way

Astellia Online has gone into closed beta and as the first round closes out, Red Thomas delivers early impressions to readers. Red speculates on how much the beta reveals about what the game might look like at launch.

Red’s Read on Naval Action

Red Thomas takes a look at Naval Action since they recently went to release from Early Access. If you’re a fan of nautical-natured games like Pirates of the Burning Sea, you’ll want to come aboard to get the bosun’s take on this one.

Conqueror’s Blade: Tips for Crafters

Conqueror’s Blade is a pretty interesting game that combines medieval action combat with a persistent world and support system for complex alliances between houses. Like most games featuring some form of political gamesmanship, economics play a significant role. Red Thomas offers up a few tips to support his fellow crafters as they support their respective houses.

Conqueror’s Blade: It’s MMO…ish?

Red Thomas explores Conqueror’s Blade over the weekend and digs into the genre-challenged game developed by Booming Games. It might not exactly be an MMO, but it is interesting and Red discusses some of he liked and didn’t like about the game.

Crowfall – Industry Day

ACE kicks the in-game industry up a gear as Crowfall takes on speed towards launch. Red Thomas dives into the game again to explore recent updates to crafting and what backers might expect in the way of future support for the player-based economy. Red also invents the new term “tactical economy.”

Crowfall – A New Dawn

Crowfall and get the scoop on what backers can expect over the next month or so of development. Better graphics, new worlds, and even more have Red excited.

Red’s Read on Thea 2: The Shattering

Red Thomas takes a look at Thea 2: The Shattering, a new 4X RPG from MuHa Games. You’ve never heard of 4X RPG? That’s okay, neither has Red. Discover what in the heck that is and if it’s any fun together with Red as he gives his thoughts about the game in today’s article.

New World: Future Perspective

Red Thomas examines the current evidence around Amazon’s New World and considers what impact the new player in the industry could mean in the long-term. Also, how might New World herald a new business direction for Amazon?

Pagan Online: Wargaming.net Strikes Again

Wargaming.net adds Pagan Online to their growing list of published titles. Red Thomas dives into the game to see if it looks likely to live up to some of their other high-revenue games and explores what players might expect from the hack-and-slash RPG.

Satisfactory: With Kids!

Red Thomas continues his search for the ultimate family-friendly experience with Satisfactory. Red might have “borrowed” a nephew from his sister for a few days in order to write this article. He may or may not have neglected to get permission first. Read on to discover if it was worth it or not.