A veteran of the US Army, raging geek, and avid gamer, Red Thomas is that cool uncle all the kids in the family like to spend their summers with. Red lives in San Antonio with his wife where he runs his company and works with the city government to promote geek culture.
February 2014
Last Active
June 2021
Red Thomas put Last Oasis on his list of games to watch in 2020. With the game in Early Access, Red gives it a go and reports on his thoughts. Have you been in the mood for an interesting survival game? This could be it, but as always there are also a few caveats.
Red Thomas wears the jeweled crown of Vlandia upon his trouble brow. Let me tell you his story of high adventure. Also, maybe tell you a little about Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord and the things that folks should know when deciding whether to buy the game or not.
Red Thomas lists out some of his favorite boardgames for families stuck at home. Turn that apocalyptic panic into just another family night with board games around the table!
Red Thomas lists out some of his favorite video games for families stuck at home. Turn that apocalyptic panic into just another family night with digital diversions. The best part is that you can even include nonlocal members of the extended family.
Red Thomas checks out Scythe via the Steam Store. Having played the tabletop version, Red talks about his experiences with the digital option and whether or not you should consider adding Scythe to your virtual collection.
Red Thomas takes a look at Royalty the sudden and unexpected expansion for RimWorld. How does it enhance the game and is it worth adding to the library? Red gives his thoughts and early experiences with the new expansion.
Red Thomas explores the state of MMOs and the seeming divide between what he likes and what some of the younger gamers seem to like. Are the Millennials ruining our games? Red walks through a few things he’s noticed while online with a few younger gamers and what differences might be there.
It turns out that MMOs aren’t the anticipated hit with kids that Red Thomas had expected, but he’s found a game that he and the kids have both enjoyed. Red talks about Stardew Valley and how it’s a game that should be in your library if you have young gamers in the family.
Red Thomas hauls his nephew into Elder Scrolls Online in order to please his readers. Red discusses his nephew’s first real experience with an MMO and some of the challenges readers might run into while introducing kids to a similar game.
Red Thomas returns to Elder Scrolls Online for what may be the first time since release. Has the game changed enough to find his interest? Red digs into what he likes about the game so far and what concerns him going forward.
Red Thomas talks about a part of PAX that often flies under the radar and notes how some booths at PAX are too close to the feels for comfort. PAX is all about fun, but there’s a serious side to it that flies past a lot of folks.
Red Thomas drives all the way across town to get his hands on the EVERSPACE 2 demo at PAX South. After slogging through tense San Antonio traffic patterns and fighting through the hordes gathered around the convention center, Red gives readers some of his early thoughts about the game.
Red Thomas explores what we know about Amazon’s excursion into the MMO genre and what New World might signify for future games from the company. Red also explores the timeline of what we know surrounding the new Lord of the Rings project and who that may or may not matter to New World.
Red Thomas introduces a niece and nephew to For the King and attempts an online boardgame experience with the kids. To understand how this game might be a great introduction to other opportunities for remote-based family time, read on!
Red Thomas discusses seven games he’ll be watching in 2020. Will it be a good year for RPG fans, or will we be facing a year of slim pickings? Red outlines his thoughts on several upcoming games and gives specific nods to those he feels will have the largest impact on the future of gaming.