A veteran of the US Army, raging geek, and avid gamer, Red Thomas is that cool uncle all the kids in the family like to spend their summers with. Red lives in San Antonio with his wife where he runs his company and works with the city government to promote geek culture.
February 2014
Last Active
June 2021
Red Thomas fights anti-social tendencies with social distancing by playing Dungeons & Dragons online. ...as in playing the pen-and-paper RPG using online tools, rather than the MMO. How does the online experience compare to the more typical Knerds of the Dinner Table event? Red gives his take in today's article.
On a whim, Red Thomas takes a look at the "MMO" space strategy game, Starborne. Red regales readers with his operatic tale of space adventure and gives a little insight into who might find the game interesting and who should probably avoid it.
Red Thomas tries to catch 'em all in Temtem. Interested in throwing things at random monsters in order to add them to your personal zoological collection or in pitting your own trained creatures against vicious beasts in the wild? Well, Temtem could be for you and Red gives his thoughts on his own experiences in the game to help you make your decision.
Finnish indie group Bugbyte released Space Haven in May. Red Thomas finally has time to check the game out and regrets only that it took him so long. Red walks readers through some of what he liked so much about the title and who should consider picking the game up.
With Legends of Aria releasing to Steam, Red Thomas gives the game a try. There is some unique history behind the title's development, so Red takes the risk on your behalf and gives his impressions of the game.
Red Thomas gives his read on the Take-Two situation regarding the development of Kerbal Space Program 2 as reported by Bloomberg in June. Bloomberg's reporter likely got a few things wrong and Red levies his experience as a business owner and having been subcontracted on a number of occasions to provide some perspective.
Desperados III is out and Red Thomas gives his take on how well the studio succeeded in the newest edition to the western-themed franchise. Red discusses gameplay, immersion, and of course the soundtrack as he notes the hits and misses in this virtual shooting gallery.
Red Thomas builds an economic empire in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord and loses it all in a wild bid to become the in-game world's first cattle baron. A tale of woe and anguish awaits those brave souls that dare enter here.
Desperados 3 is out in a week, so Red Thomas takes a look back at Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge in an effort to decide how excited he should get about the newer title. As the smoke clears, Red's opinion is the only one left standing.
Red Thomas explores RimWorld in the wake of a fairly significant May patch. An expansion on the concepts first introduced in the Royalty DLC earlier this year, the May patch adds in even more depth and expanded playstyle options
Red Thomas starts a new character in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord and doesn't take the easy road. Learn how Red plays the market and get a few economic tips for you own game as Red goes through his initial character strategy and early gameplay.
Red Thomas takes a look at Population Zero. A rough start marred the project's initial release, but Red gives his take on the game and whether or not readers should consider adding the title to their own libraries.
Red Thomas finally gets a chance to try out Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint after a friend hounded him about it for the last couple weeks. Red explains the surprises the game held for him and whether or not readers should consider adding it to their own libraries.
Red Thomas digs into crafting for those looking for a more quality experience in Last Oasis. Red talks about quality, the crafting system, and offers some advice on how to ramp up both production and quality in your own crafting efforts.
Red Thomas gets his conservation on in Planet Zoo, which a couple of his nieces have already been playing. An initial glance at the game suggested it might make for great family entertainment, but Red learns to read the box more carefully in today's article.