Dark or Light

Hillary Nicole

January 2011
Last Active
July 2013
Guide to Solving the Ancient Pylons

The Ancient Pylons found in Star Wars: The Old Republic's Nightmare Eternity Vault may have given Pokket and her Ops group a headache, but they were able to solve the mystery using the strategies found in this video. Check out Game Face: Guide to Solving the Ancient Pylons in SWTOR.

Defeating Gharj in the Nightmare Eternity Vault

This week Pokket and her guild share how to defeat the second boss in Star Wars: The Old Republic - Nightmare Eternity Vault named Gharj. Watch as she gives tips and tricks to downing this boss with little to no trouble.

Pokket's TERA Beta Impressions

This Game Face covers Pokket's first impressions of the Tera Beta. The beta covered levels 1-22. In this latest Game Face video, Pokket plays an Elin Warrior and shares her initial thoughts on the environment, combat, questions, and more! Check out Game Face: Pokket's TERA Beta Impressions.

Taking On Eternity Vault's Droid XRR-3

Pokket has produced her latest "how-to" guide for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This time she turns her eye on nightmare Eternity Vault and how to beat the ever livin' snot out of Droid XRR-3, the first boss. See what she's got to say in Pokket's Guide to SWTOR: Nightmare Eternity Vault Annihilation Droid XRR-3.

Pokket's Tips & Tricks for Winning on Alderaan

Pokket gives her latest and greatest advice for winning on Alderaan in Game Face: Tips & Tricks to Winning Alderaan. See what you think!

Guide to SWTOR: Hardmode Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint

Pokket gives us all the run down on the Hardmode Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint and how to survive the nightmarish place. Check out Game Face: Pokket's Guide to SWTOR: Hardmode Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint and then let us know what you think in the comments.

SWTOR Endgame Review

In today's Game Face, Pokket takes a look at Star Wars: The Old Republic and offers her review of the game at level 50. How does SWTOR hold up at the highest levels? Find out in Game Face #20: SWTOR Level 50 Review.

Pokket's Guide to the Voidstar

In the latest episode of Game Face, MMORPG.com's Pokket takes a look at The Voidstar, one of the warzones in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Pokket gives her thoughts on the best strategies and layouts for winning the epic battle. Come back every Thursday for more MMO goodness from Pokket. Check out Game Face #19: Pokket's Guide to the Voidstar.

Finding the Republic Fleet Datacron

This week Pokket guides us through SWTOR and shows us how to get the +10 stat datacron that is located on the Republic Fleet. Despite encountering some difficulties, her group successfully reaches their goal. Check out Game Face: Finding the Republic Fleet Datacron.

Guide to the HUTTBALL Warzone

In the latest Game Face, MMORPG.com's "Pokket" takes a look at the Hutball Warzone from Star Wars: The Old Republic. You'll get tips and tricks for surviving this action-packed PvP zone. Check it out!

The #1 Reason to Play SWTOR

Pokket FINALLY details the last of her top ten reasons why she will be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. See if you accurately read Pokket's mind about why she's planning to play SWTOR in Game Face #16: THE Top Reason to Play SWTOR.

Top 10 Reasons to Play SWTOR - Part 3

In the final part of a three part series, Pokket details the last of her top ten reasons why she will be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Pokket starts with Number 4 and continues the downward until we know her number one reason to dig into SWTOR. Check out Game Face #14: Top 10 Reasons to Play SWTOR Pt. 3.

Top 10 Reasons to Play SWTOR Pt. 2

In the second part of a three part series, Pokket details more of her top ten reasons why she will be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Pokket starts with Number 7 and continues the downward count as the days to SWTOR's release nears. Check it out!

10 Reasons To Play SWTOR Part 1

Hillary "Pokket" Nicole brings us Game Face #13 where she talks about the top ten reasons she will be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, starting with numbers 8 - 10.

Empire Preview Video

MMORPG.com's Hillary "Pokket" Nicole continues her weekly video column this week with a preview of all things Sith Empire, focusing specifically on the Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent.