January 2011
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July 2013
If there's one lesson that we, as gamers, have a hard time learning, it's NOT to be so swayed by the current trend to over-hype the MMOs we're looking forward to playing. In her latest column, Pokket takes a look at that notion and offers a few thoughts. See what she has to say and then leave your comments.
Story and how it is told is an integral part of any MMO. In her latest column, Pokket gives her unique take on, as the title says, cutscenes, story and questing. Read on before lending your voice to the conversation in the comments.
One of the things that inevitably happens when any new MMO is released is an endless round of comparisons to "that game", you know, The Giant (which shall remain nameless). Our own Pokket has a few thoughts to share about that particular subject so keep reading! Add your thoughts to the mix in the comments.
During PAX Prime 2012, held for the first time in Seattle our "Future of Online Gaming" panel in the Pegasus Theatre. Scott Youngblood (Red 5 Studios), Craig Morrison (Funcom), Matt Higby (SOE), Scott Hartsman (Trion), and Max Schaefer (Runic) all sat in to answer questions from nearly 1,000 audience members about their games, their vision, and the future of MMOs as a whole.
During PAX Prime last weekend, the Riot Games team was on hand in a big way. Our team was on hand when the League of Legends dev team was fielding general questions about the game as well as during a panel in which they talked about the future of LoL. Check it out and then leave your comments!
Many MMOs in the past several years have tanked, tanked hard and tanked early. While most players could name several reasons why, Pokket thinks there is just one. The one she's thinking of just might surprise you. Keep reading to see if you agree!
Pokket had the chance to attend last weekend's PAX Prime in Seattle and has some highlights of her adventures there to share. Keep reading and then share your thoughts in the comments.
As most everyone on the gaming planet knows, the head start for those who pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 started this past weekend. Pokket was one of the lucky ones who jumped in when she could. She's got her first day impressions to share. Check it out!
Gaming is serious business these days and many of us spend a lot of time so doing. But there are certain things that we, as players, should be mindful of to keep a healthy balance in life. See what we mean in our latest Pokket Says column and then let us know what you think in the comments.
Too many games. Yes, it's the bane of many of today's gamers. In her latest column, Pokket takes a look at the games she plays and laments that, just maybe, there are too many good ones to attend to. See what you think and then leave a comment or two.
As a female gamer, Pokket has a unique insight into the ways in which male gamers might want to go about finding the virtual girl of their dreams. Check out her advice in her latest column!
There has been a lot of talk lately about the mythical (?) Zombie Apocalypse and we are not immune. In today's Pokket Says, we take a look at exactly that in a "what if" kind of way. See what you think before weighing in with your comments.
In this week's Pokket Says, we weigh in on DayZ, the zombie survival that's taken the FPS genre by storm over the past couple of months.
One of the cardinal rules of any MMO is that only opposite factions can kill one another. But it's a hard cruel fact that sometimes, folks in your own faction tick you off. In today's column, we pontificate about how nice it would be to take out some of those people. Read on!
PUGS (Pick up Groups) are sometimes both the bane and boon of players' existences in MMOs. In her latest Pokket Says, Hillary Nicole takes a look at PUGs and her history with them over the years. Read on!