Dark or Light

Phil Bickle

September 2011
Last Active
November 2012
The Official MMORPG.com Dragona Review

Dragona Online is self-described as a world where swords, sorcery, dragons and monsters exist. It sounds like a high-fantasy gamer's paradise. See how Dragona measures up in our latest review. Leave us your comments when finished.

Jedi Guardian Player's Guide

In the latest addition to our growing library of Star Wars: The Old Republic player's guides, we present the Jedi Guardian, the advanced class for the Jedi Knight. Read on and become invincible!

Sith Juggernaut Player's Guide

In the latest addition to our growing library of Star Wars: The Old Republic player's guides, we present the Sith Juggernaut, the advanced class for the Sith Warrior. Read on and become invincible!

The Commando Player's Guide

Making an effective character in Star Wars: The Old Republic is important, particularly in these early days. In our latest player guide, we take a look at the Republic Commando. Check out our best tips and hints for becoming a great Commando. Have other ideas? Let us know in the comments!

Mercenary Player Guide

With the amazing success of Star Wars: The Old Republic, players are often looking for direction on how to play their favorite classes. Today, MMORPG.com is pleased to present our Mercenary Player Guide. Check it out!

Missed Opportunities

Our latest review centers on Remnant Knights. How does Remnant Knights stack up against the ever-growing plethora of MMOs on today's market? Read on to find out!

Open Beta Preview

MMORPG.com's Phil Bickle spent some time in the open beta of the anime-themed MMO Remnant Knights and offers his thoughts on the rather interesting experience.

The Fallacy of MMO Fairness

In a new column sure to generate some buzz, MMORPG.com's Phil Bickle argues that there is no such thing as a balanced MMOor an argument against so-called "pay to win" that actually matters. See why Phil feels this way and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

Five Forgotten MMO Features

In The List today, MMORPG.com's Phil Bickle wonders why some MMO features catch on and why others simply don't. He's got a full list of features that still make him scratch his head in wonder at the lack of enthusiasm they engender. Check out Phil's list and then add a few to the tally in the comments.

It Could Be a Very Good Game

In our latest review here at MMORPG.com, writer Phil Bickle takes a look at Heroes of Newerth, a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game along the lines of Warcraft 3. See how HoN stacks up against other MOBAs storming the market these days in Phil's review. Tried HoN? Let us know what you think in the comments.

A Fun Time Sink

One of Eden Eternal's most impressive features is the ability for characters to switch classes on the fly. MMORPG.com's Phil Bickle wonders, however, if this is a component of a great game or just a gimmick to get people to try it out. You'll have to read our official review to find out. Leave us your comments when finished!