Dark or Light

Deborah Dietrich

April 2006
Last Active
March 2013
Priestly Healing - Addons and Such

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this look at the various popular addons for priests in Blizzar'd popular MMO.

A Look At Priestly Healing

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this look at Priests in Blizzard's hit MMO.

Beginner's Guide to Raiding

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this look at raiding for players who might be new to everyone's favorite high level pastime.

Preparing for 3.1

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this look at WoW, 3.1 Update.

(Traumatize) Children's Week

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Diterich sounds off on Blizzard for the events in this year's incarnation of the popular event, "Children's Week", that sees players rewarded for being unusually mean and cruel to their young charges.

Love is in the Air Event

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Deitrich writes this look at WoW's upcoing Valentine's Day Event.

Battle for Wintergrasp

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this informative overview of the Wintergrasp battleground in Blizzard's hit game.

A Look at Factions

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this informative article about factions in Blizzard's Wrath of the Lich King.

Cooking and Fishing Guide

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deboarah Dietrich writes this handy guide to cooking and fishing with a special focus on the Warth of the Lich King expansion.

Overachievers of Azeroth

MMORPG.com World of warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this quick look at the Achievement system in Blizzard`s massive hit MMORPG.


MMORPG.com WoW Correspondent Deborah Deitrich writes this article discussing Inscriptions in Blizzard's World of Warcraft.

Mounting Interest

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this article on collecting mounts in Blizzard's monster hit game, World of Warcraft.

Vanity Pets

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this article discussing Vanity Pets in Blizzard's World of Warcaraft adn what the upcoming expansion might mean for collectors.

Farming on the Sunwell Plateau

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent Deborah Dietrich writes this guide to getting the most out of farming on the Sunwell Plateau in Blizzard`s World of Warcraft.