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Mike BC

Mike BC is in Las Vegas, NV where he is a husband, father, minister, and gamer (in that order). Currently, he plays a lot of Elite: Dangerous Odyssey, Fortnite, Fall Guys, and enjoys games on the Nintendo Switch. You can follow him at CMDRErekSprax on Twitch!

October 2019
Last Active
January 2025

Strategy games have come a long way, and Amplitude aims to push it further with Humankind, their latest 4X offering. But how does it stack up and does it do anything meaningful to help push the 4X genre along?

Elite Dangerous: A Trip Into Neutral Territory

Mike loves Babylon 5, so he took a moment to do some sci-fi tourism in Elite Dangerous to check out the system where the iconic sci-fi show's epnymously named station was situated - Epsilon III.

Spaced Out - Intro To Elite: Dangerous

Mike has been playing Elite: Dangerous almost non-stop since last October. But how did he get here? Check out his intro into a new column series exploring the vast Milky Way in Elite: Dangerous.

Not So MMO: Raji: An Ancient Epic Review

Raji: An Ancient Epic is a beautiful game with a unique art style, as well as a story not often explored in games. But how does that story hold up all the way through the short, yet beautiful adventure?

Star Wars: The Old Republic - The Re-Review

Star Wars: The Old Republic has been a venerable MMO for almost a decade, but is it an MMO you can get into in 2020?

Not So MMO: Orcs Must Die! 3 Review

Orcs Must Die! 3 brings the satisfying gameplay the series has been known for, however to Google Stadia. How does the latest entry into the series hold up?

Not So MMO - Ancestors Legacy Nintendo Switch Review

Ancestors Legacy on Nintendo Switch is a port of the original RTS first launched on PC. How does the RTS experience stack up on the small, mobile console?

Shadow Arena - Impressions Of Pearl Abyss' Battle Royale

Join Mike BC as he breaks down his experiences thus far in Pearl Abyss' Early Access title, Shadow Arena.

Detroit: Become Human PC Review

Detroit: Become Human is one of the heaviest, darkest, most intense games I have ever played. Here's our review.

Sparklite Review

What do you get when you take the puzzle elements from Zelda, rouge-lite elements and a bizarre, unique storyline? You get Sparklite. Join Mike BC as he reviews this interesting little Nintendo Switch game.

Overwatch Switch Review

Overwatch has been one of the most popular games in the last few years, spanning multiple platforms and spawning esports coverage all the way to ESPN. Finally on the Switch, we review how the hero shooter translates to the Switch.

Divinity Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition Nintendo Switch Review

Has the Nintendo Switch become just a re-release machine? Maybe it has but if the games they’re re-releasing are always going to be as good as Divinity: Original Sin II Definitive Edition (D:OS2), then I’m game.