
Dark or Light


Lisa Jonte / Writer, editor, artist, parent. Currently reviewing games and writing the column, Fair Game at MMORPG.com. One time (print and web) comics creator, and former editor of the webcomic enclave GirlAMatic.com; now a secretive and hermit-like prose writer, (and not so secretive nor hermit-like blogger.)

January 2005
Last Active
April 2019
Checking in with Divergence Online

It's been a few months since the three-part Independency interview series with Divergence Online's creator, Ethan Casner. If you've been wondering what the team's been up to, we've got you covered. See what's in the works and more in our latest Independency column. Tell us what you thin in the comments.

Strategic Sloth

Tynon was originally released about a year ago but has since undergone a complete reworking. Did the new look and feel improve the game or not? Find out in our latest review before heading to the comments to talk.

How to Comic-Con

Any city's Comic-Con is a unique breed unto itself. Comic-Cons aren't just another gaming convention either. In our latest Fair Game column, we take a look at the best way to "Comic-Con". See what you think before heading to the comments to discuss the article.

PWNED - A Novel Idea

This week, Lisa Jonte takes a look at a project that is technically an independent one, though more about a book about an MMO. Find out more about PWNED. Have you ever had a novel idea about the gaming world? Let us know in the comments.

A Noob’s Guide to Just About Everything

Let's face it: We were all noobs at one time or another. Is there a protocol that noobs should follow on entering a game? See what we think in this week's Fair Game. Let us know your noob stories in the comments.

Less is More

In today's Independency column, we take a look at the notion of "finite MMOs", games with a life expectancy and no more. See what we've got on our collective mind before leaving your own thoughts in the comments.

An Open Letter to the Game Industry

The ongoing conversation among MMO gamers is whether or not their favorite titles have become to "dumbed down" and casual. In an open letter to the gaming industry, we vent on the issues that vex us the most in an attempt to make our voices heard. Read on and then add anything we missed in the comments.


Marvel Heroes Online has been a game that many Marvel fans and MMO fans together have looked forward to playing. Released in early June, we've been putting our superheroes through their paces since then to offer up our official review. See what we discovered and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

For Parents this Summer

School's out for summer, Mom & Dad, and your little progeny will be looking for things to get into. Why not keep them safely and happily occupied in a family friendly MMO? In today's Independency, we make a few suggestions for some of the best. Check it out before heading to the comments to chat.

Pop Culture in World Building

Pop culture defines much of our daily life, from the music we hear to the TV shows we watch to the games we play. But do games adequately represent pop culture? Find out what we think in today's Fair Game. Head to the comments to continue the discussion.

A Different Standard

Independency, as the name implies, is about all things indie in MMO development. Should independently developed MMOs be held to a different standard than "big house" games? We take a look in our latest column. See what you think before heading to the comments to leave us your thoughts.

Stereotyping Men in Videogames

It's no secret that women's roles in the gaming industry and in games themselves have been a big part of the news this past year. But what about stereotypical males roles? In Fair Game today, we take a look at that. See what you think before heading to the comments.

Browser Candy

Ecol Browser is what we call an "in between game" for many reasons. We have played Ecol Tactics quite a bit recently and have some thoughts to share about how it fits in the MMO space. See why we call it 'browser candy' before heading to the comments.

The Pros and Cons of Going Indie

Many game makers seem to be jumping on the indie bandwagon these days but is that decision all sunlight and roses? We take a look at both the good and bad aspects of being an independent developer in our latest Independency. Check it out before discussing it in the comments.

Gamer vs. Non-Gamer

In this week's Fair Game, Lisa Jonte takes a look at the relationship between someone who games and loves the pasttime and someone who just doesn't get it. Read her tips for survival in that sort of scenario, and be sure to offer your own thoughts in the comments.