Dark or Light


Richard Aihoshi / Richard Aihoshi has been writing about the MMOG industry since the mid-1990s, always with a global perspective. He has observed the emergence and growth of the free to play business model from its early days in both hemispheres.

April 2009
Last Active
October 2015
More Questions Than Answers

The free to play market has been in the news a lot the last several days between TERA's rising numbers and SWTOR's proclamation that its high density servers are teeming. But is all the news really so rosy? Are there other questions that need answering before we proclaim success? In The Free Zone today, we take a look at that. See what we've got on our mind before telling us what's on yours in the comments.

Wargaming.net Goes Gas Powered

With Wargaming.net's buyout of Gas Powered Games, new questions arise about the viability of the US games market combined with foreign investment. See what we have to say in this week's Free Zone and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

Two Koreans Grow, One Shrinks

It's been a mercurial year in the gaming industry with layoffs and closures and mergers. In today's Free Zone, we take a look at three Korean companies as illustrative of the issue. Check it out before leaving your thoughts in the comments.

The F2P Consolidation Trend

After last week's announcement that regional rights once owned by Outspark were transfered to Europe's gamigo, we began to wonder if the F2P publishers would be undergoing a consolidation. Read The Free Zone to check out our ideas before leaving yours in the comments.

Allods Tries On Subscriptions in Russia

In this Week's Free Zone, we're taking a look at something we've not seen before... a F2P game trying out a subscription model. Wait, is that right? Yep, Allods Online is adding a subscription model in Russia. And we're figuring out what that means.

Can Revenue Models Be Too Complicated?

As more and more games add in "free to play" options, developers and publishers keep trying out new definitions of what F2P means. In today's The Free Zone, we opine on whether or not these different models are simply too complicated. See what we've got to say before adding your ideas to the mix in the comments.

Some Year-End Wondering

As 2013 dawns, many of us take a look ahead and speculate about what is to come, something akin to looking into the crystal ball. In The Free Zone today, we take a look at a few topics that are sure to be big discussion items throughout 2013. Check it out!

Talking Crowdfunding with Mark Jacobs

In today's Free Zone, we take a small break from the gathering of worldwide news on the F2P phenomenon and talk with Mark Jacobs about crowd source funding. Jacobs offers his expertise on how the industry will be changed as a result. Check it out and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

Can Runewaker Repeat its Success?

Runewalker, the creators of Runes of Magic, is now working with Sony Online Entertainment to bring a new game, Dragon's Prophet, to the world. In today's Free Zone column, we speculate as to whether or not Runewalker can 'hit another one out of the park'. Check it out before lending your voice to the conversation in the comments.

Is SWTOR Moving Toward the Dark Side or the Light?

Now that Star Wars: The Old Republic has officially adopted a 'free-to-play option', some players are beginning to wonder if BioWare and EA went far enough. Check out what we think in our latest Free Zone column and then leave your ideas in the comments.

Two More Problems No One's Talking About

Dovetailing with Bill Murphy's "The Problem No One's Talking About", the Free Zone today takes a look at two other issues that remain under the proverbial table in many cases. See what those issues are and then leave your ideas in the comments.

It Came from the Far East

In our latest Free Zone column, we take a look at trending news in the F2P market with a particular emphasis on Korea. In addition, we have a bit to share about the League of Legends championship and wonder who it is that exactly owns Crossfire. Check it out!

Silkroad Online's Historic 15 Years

Silkroad Online recently celebrated its 15th year of MMORPG goodness. In today's Free Zone, we take a look at Silkroad Online and ruminate about its past and its future. Read on!

From Russia With No Monthly Fee

It's no secret that F2P games are given a hard time by many gamers in North America. But is that same thought prevalent in other locations in the world? In today's Free Zone, we talk with Igromania's Gevorg Akopyan about the F2P phenomenon in Russia. See what he's got to say about his country's opinion of F2P and then let us know what you think in the comments.

A Divided Mind Times Two

In our latest Free Zone column, we take a look at a pair of issues that create strong opinions on both sides of the fence: Player-generated content and whether or not City of Heroes should survive. See what we've got to say about each and how difficult it is to come up with a single answer. Then leave your thoughts in the comments.