Dark or Light

Jef Reahard

May 2006
Last Active
November 2008
Mines of Moria Preview

With the Mines of Moria expansion launch mere hours away, MMORPG.com's Jef Reahard writes this overview of what players can expect from Turbine's first forray into the paid expansion universe.

City Building Guide

MMORPG.com Star Wars Galaxies Correspondent Jef Reahard writes this new guide giving players some insight into creating player cities in SOE's Star Wars Galaxies.

Age of Conan Review

MMORPG.com Reviewer Jef Reahard takes a deep look at Funcom's Age of Conan, highlighting the game's strengths and weaknesses.

Phantom Squadron and the Future of Jump to Lightspeed

MMORPG.com Star Wars Galaxies Correspondent Jef Reahard writes this interview with the commander of the Phantom Squadron in SOE's Star Wars Galaxies, a group dedicated to making the Y-Wing a viable and dangerous PvP craft.

Trading Card Game Overview

MMORPG.com Star Wars Galaxies Correspondent Jef Reahard writes this overview of the recently added Trading Card Game in Star Wars Galaxies.

Star Wars Galaxies Five Year Re-Review

MMORPG.com's Jef Reahard writes this re-review of SOE's Star Wars Galaxies. Using our new review system, Reahard has kept the controversey of the game's past in mind while focusing his review on the game as it stands today.

Correspondent - Roleplaying is Dead, Long Live Roleplaying...

MMORPG.com Star Wars Galaxies Correspondent Jef Reahard writes this editorial piece reflecting on the days of a roleplayer's paradise in Star Wars Galaxies.

The First Rule of Star Wars Galaxies PvP

MMORPG.com Star Wars Galaxies Correspondent Jef Reahard writes this article discussiong the lack of attention that the PvP system in SOE's Star Wars Galaxies has received and why PvP should have been an integral part of the game.

Correspondent - Does Crafting Matter?

MMORPG.com Star Wars Galaxies Correspondent Jef Reahard writes this article on crafting and the recent crafting changes that have come with Update 5.