Dark or Light


Garrett Fuller / Garrett Fuller has been playing MMOs since 1997 and writing about them since 2005. He joined MMORPG.com has a volunteer writer and now handles Industry Relations for the website. He has been gaming since 1979 when his cousin showed him a copy of Dungeons and Dragons. When not spending time with his family, Garrett also Larps and plays Airsoft in his spare time.

June 2009
Last Active
May 2019
Why Aren't There Any Mobile MMOs?

With mobile giants like Supercell tearing up the game space online, it is amazing that the mobile MMO market is so poor. I know what everyone wants to say, there are mobile MMOs. Yes, there are, however, it seems like for the massive amount of people who play games on their phones or tablets, the full potential of the market simply does not exist.

Rain World Is a Game that Truly Touches the Heart

Some video games are fast paced shooters full of mayhem. Others are strategic operas where you as a player command a symphony of armies on a global battlefield. Then there are the game which truly touch the heart. Rain World is one of those games. Taking a destroyed world covered in rains which can cause you death, the faithful Slugcat searches for its family.

What's With Warhammer?

Games Workshop is a mystery to many. A company that began as a grassroots RPG and model company in the U.K. Now has become a global titan in gaming. Yet, everyone seems to think that Warhammer should be bigger than it actually is. Well in some cases this is true, but the story here is more about the company making a fantastic come back and growing its brands to be a global leader.

The Fall of Oriath Video Update

Path of Exile showed off its new trailer today for the Fall of Oriath. This expansion has some very military looking foes coming to the game. Check it out.

The Top 5 Expectations For Destiny 2

After rumors and hints around the game industry, we finally saw a post yesterday with some artwork. It seems like it is no secret that Destiny 2 is coming and people should be excited. Destiny was an amazing game and now Bungie is building up the blocks for a sequel to bring players more opportunities across the solar system.

Morrowind Battlegrounds Video Released

Elder Scrolls Online is showing off their latest Battlegrounds video from PAX East. Fans got the chance to play as the new Warden class in the new 4v4v4 areas and here are some of the highlights.

Tomb of Sargeras Patch Notes are Published

Blizzard posted up their Patch Notes for 7.2 today. The Tomb of Sargeras has a lot of changes coming along with a new dungeon called the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

Destiny 2 Appears on Twitter

The Destiny 2 image appeared on Twitter today. There are no details yet, but we will have them for you as soon as we can.

Bard Skill Added in Recent Update

In Saturday's post by the Project Gorgon team, they are adding in the Bard Skill to the game. The update comes with other recent changes, like capping the Hunting group numbers to six instead of ten.

Mirage: Arcane Warfare Announces Closed Beta and Launch Date

Mirage: Arcane Warfare began its closed beta program this morning and announced their launch date of May 23, 2017.

PAX East 2017 - A Preview of Things to Come

Hob has been on our radar for a while. The game is an action RPG puzzle game with a ton of great mechanics thrown into the mix. Hob is from the creators of the Torchlight series at Runic Games. This latest update showed some new areas and puzzles which the player will have to overcome, but Hob give amazing tools to get the job done.

PAX East 2017 - Survival Tips & the Plan Ahead

This week at PAX East we got the chance to catch up with the Conan Exiles team. It is great to see the Conan franchise back in video games and Funcom has done a solid job combining survival elements into the open world format. Rough and brutal as always, the game pulls no punches. We spoke with Oscar Lopez Lacalle about the state of the game and some upcoming changes. He also shared some survival tips with us, if you are like me, your first few runs did not go very far.

PAX East 2017 - Hands On with the Necromancer

Blizzard had a fantastic demo at PAX East for media on the Necromancer. Hidden away from the masses it was great to sneak in and sit down to try out the new class. I missed the demos at Blizzcon so was very excited to chat with the team and get a full view of the female Necromancer and some of the melee skills that the class will come with.

PAX East 2017 - Hands On with an Awesome Demo

This week we got the chance to sit down with Dauntless and go through a demo with the developers. The game has been fueled with hype, and after the demo, it absolutely delivered. Dauntless will be the monster hunter and boss fighting game to really bring the genre into a huge audience. Here is a breakdown of how the demo went and what we did as a group.

PAX East 2017 - Hand of Fate 2 Ups the Ante on the Original

Hand of Fate 2 is coming along nicely from our last sit down with the game at PAX Prime. The team continues to build out encounters and create a solid mix of card game strategy with action RPG encounters. This hybrid makes for some great player choices.