December 2012
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December 2016
I’ve been playing Imperial City on the PTS and been watching others play it on HitBox / Twitch. I know I say this with every expansion / update that Zenimax releases but holy Meridia this DLC is epic. The boss fights, the loot, the Tel Var system, and so many more incredibly awesome additions to the game. Except, one thing still bugs me, and that’s what I’m going to focus on this week.
Now that QuakeCon has passed we have a view as to what is in store for ESOTU. According to Matt Firor, they are planning to release a named DLC pack every 12 weeks. This is pretty epic, considering when they first announced ESO they said they wanted to adhere to a 4-6 week content patch system. While 12 weeks is double their original goal, we’re not talking content patches anymore, we’re talking named DLC packs and all that might entail.
Now that we have a release date for Imperial City and according to Matt Firor, Wrothgar isn’t far off either (early 2016), I want to pose a question to the community. This question is one that I’m still debating over and can’t come to an actual decision on where I stand, or where I should stand.
Imperial City, it has to be the most anticipated feature that Zenimax has discussed since pre-launch and we're finally getting some information about it. The Imperial City is slated to launch August 31st for PC/MAC, September 15th for Xbox One and September 16th for the Playstation 4. It will also be going live on the Private Test Servers later this month so you will be able to test out this update for FREE before it goes on the live servers.
Just a mere three weeks after the console launch of the Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unchained, Paul Sage leaves the project to become Creative Director for an unknown project at Gearbox Software. If you’re not familiar with Gearbox Software they are the creators of the Borderlands series. But what does this mean for the future of ESOTU?
Earlier this week, Monday to be exact, Zenimax implemented something that typically has a bit of controversy around it. Experience Boost potions, I’m completely against anything that increases your leveling experience however the way ZOS implemented it is probably one of the best ways I’ve seen it done.
Yes, you’re reading that right, I canceled my ESO subscription last week. The Elder Scrolls Online is a great game and anyone who is thinking of purchasing it for the consoles when it releases on June 9th I would still recommend them to do so. There is no denying that ESO is easily worth its initial investment but I can’t say with confidence that it’s worth the continuous investment.
One of the best things a game developer can do is get direction from those who play it. While a developer may have passion for the game they are creating, they will never understand the game itself like those who play it day in and day out. We play the games for a lot longer than any developer. So of course we all have feedback and design concepts that we feel could improve the overall quality of the game.
The Elder Scrolls Online has been released for over a year now and I still think the game gets under-credited. Recently I’ve reduced the amount of time I’ve spent in Tamriel and ventured to other games to explore what is new. Sadly, nothing feels new, everything that’s out right now feels like the same old lollipop in just a slightly different flavor.
Before I go any further with this rant, I need to explain something first, otherwise I’ll get Twitter/Steam/in-game messages asking why I’m still playing ESO. ESO is a great game, with a fantastic company behind it. But it just so happens that this fantastic company has blundered and has the community in a stir. With all the commotion that this blunder has created perhaps it will help Zenimax find better solutions to future endeavors.
There are so many things you can do in PvP to give you an edge over the other player. Today I’m going to unveil some of the tricks that I utilize every day in Cyrodiil. These will be a mix of tactics and addons that help me excel in PvP.
You can trace MMORPGs all the the back to their roots of Pen and Paper RolePlaying Games. They’ve evolved from Pen and Paper to massive digital worlds that we’ve spent countless hours within. They’ve slowly been branching into the mobile world offering stimulating worlds for us to adventure in without being tied to a computer. However, can these mobile versions compare to our immersive, story-driven MMOs that we have today?
Zenimax Online Studios seems to have adopted a unique way to release content, a way that has some of the community upset and calling the content “unfinished”. Is it really unfinished content or is Zenimax releasing their content in a way that will keep players interested and engaged?
With Tamriel Unlimited releasing next week, I thought now would be an excellent time discuss some of the addons that I feel new and old players of ESO should be using. There are hundreds of different addons for ESO but for this column I’m going to focus on five quality of life addons, helping to increase your gaming experience.
The MMO community is a weird one. We demand that games take a chance and do something new and innovative, yet we get upset when those new things aren’t what we’re used to. The Elder Scrolls Online received a lot of this attention even before the game was being released. ESO’s User Interface (UI) is minimalist. If you asked me my opinions of it two years ago, I would have told you it sucked.