December 2012
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December 2016
In this week's Elder Scrolls Online column, Ryan's penning an open letter to Zenimax's Brian Wheeler about the state of the game's PVP.
The Thieves Guild was released just a short while ago. If you’ve spent any time progressing through the storyline or advancing through the Thieves Guild passive skill lines you may have noticed this DLC isn’t anything like the previous two. That said, it does display one major aspect that is missing.
Leveling up through an MMORPG is probably one of the best experiences. It’s all about improving your character, learning new skills, trying different styles to see which one you like best or which is the most effective. Yet once you hit level cap that journey is finished, you’re no longer advancing your character with the exception of gear. ESO was supposed to change this mentality with the ability to morph skills as you got better.
I’ve been spending a lot of my free time on the PTS playing the Thieves Guild, so much that when I logged into the live servers today I had been removed from my Trading Guild. Perhaps, I need to properly manage my game time a bit better. While playing on the PTS I’ve come to realize something, something that I’m not particularly happy about and it’s more of an observation than a realization but it’s still upsetting. Zenimax hates healers.
Patch 2.3.0, aka The Thieves Guild was released on the PTS last week. As long as you own the game you have the opportunity to login to the PTS and give this new DLC a try for FREE. Let me tell you, this expansion is extremely enjoyable. Between doing the Guild Jobs and Heists you’ll always have something to do, not to mention main story quest for the Thieves Guild and the side quests that partake in Hew’s Bane.
These last couple of weeks have been fantastic for The Elder Scrolls Online. A plethora of information has come out about the future of ESO and the first DLC of this year, Thieves Guild. Let me tell you, almost everything looks exceptionally promising. I say almost because there was some bad news that was released. So let’s discuss the bad stuff first and then get into the good stuff.
In our last ESO column, our own William Murphy listed off his 2016 Wish List. In this list he makes mention to something that I haven’t really thought of before or even felt like I needed, but now I have this weird compulsion to have it implemented. Bill Murphy you have put this want, nay, need in my mind that has altered my ESO experience. All I can think about anymore is how or what new class would fit into ESO and what kind of abilities it would have.
The Elder Scrolls Online has been given the MMORPG award for Best MMORPG of 2015 and rightfully so. ESO strives where other games are beginning to fall behind, keeping the game alive and feeling new. Its content release schedule is probably one of the best I’ve seen from any company. Its primary focus is building the game the people want, which isn’t very common.
Zenimax is its own worst enemy. They’re releasing content that is so enjoyable that it gets consumed too fast. Orsinium was released barely over a month ago and people are already asking for the next DLC update. Is paying the 3000 crowns really worth a month’s worth of content? Without a doubt, but damn you Zenimax for making content so exciting that we burn through it faster than you thought we could. The next DLC will drop in the first quarter of 2016 and it’s all about the Thieves Guild.
The Elder Scrolls Online has to be one of the most unbalanced games ever to be designed. Dragonknights have a high DPS value with an impressive amount of survivability options. Sorcerers are probably the most annoying classes to fight against with their easy escape abilities. Nightblades have their high burst damage, doesn’t matter if they’re melee range or shooting you from a distance, and Templars are the worst of them all.
Orsinium is a DLC pack that is filled to the brim with features such as new storylines, new solo arena, shield dyes and much more does it have the longevity needed to keep players interested until the next DLC?
Starting October 22nd new cosmetic items are being implemented into the Crown Store, some of which were available as of October 8th. A lot of these items have a theme to them, guess you call them “scary-esc” type theme. Whatever the theme, they make mention that these new cosmetic items will be great additions for the Witches’ Festival that happens in Elder Scrolls Lore in the month of Frostfall (October).
There are very few quotes from cinematic trailers that really stick with players. One of the biggest ones is “You are not prepared” from the Burning Crusade opening cinematic. But Zenimax has released a trailer for the upcoming Orsinium DLC and “Welcome to my war” may become one of those infamous quotes. It got me hooked and interested in the expansion even more so than I was before I heard it shouted.
Once again Zenimax listens to the community. If you remember a couple weeks ago I wrote an article discussing some of my displeasures with Imperial City, mostly the fact that Imperial City is always open (unless your campaign is full) and all three factions would have access to it. Well as it turns out I wasn’t the only one who felt this way and Zenimax has heard our pleas and created a campaign with locked gates. However, is it too late for this to make a difference?
Imperial City has launched recently and it’s magnificent. I think this has been one of the best launches of a major content update to a MMO that I’ve ever seen. Not only has the launch gone off with very little issues. They even somehow managed to fix a major issue that has plagued the game since its official release, the lag in Cyrodiil. Yes, you read that right, the lag in Cyrodiil is almost non-existent, emphasis on almost.