Dark or Light

Christopher Coke

Chris cut his teeth on MMOs in the late 90s with text-based MUDs. He’s written about video games for many different sites but has made MMORPG his home since 2013. Today, he acts as Hardware and Technology Editor, lead tech reviewer, and continues to love and write about games every chance he gets. Follow him on Twitter: @GameByNight

September 2009
Last Active
February 2025
Witcher 3 - 2 Expansions, 30+ Hours of Content

CD Projekt Red astounded fans this week by announcing two expansion packs for The Witcher 3 this week. Totaling more than 30 hours of game time, and on the back of sixteen free pieces of DLC already coming, The Witcher 3 is out to set a new standard for fan service. The studio also took to Twitter to answer questions from its fans and revealed new information in the process. All that and more in this week’s RPG Files!

28 Tips for Pillars of Eternity

Pillars of Eternity can be a daunting game. If you’ve never played an Infinity Engine title before, there can be a lot to learn! We’ve compiled a list of tips to get you started so you can bypass the learning curve and get straight into the game. Read on to hit the ground running!

A Modern Classic

Pillars of Eternity exploded into the limelight with the massive success of its 2012 Kickstarter and lit the fire that would ignite the CRPG revolution. Nearly two and a half years later, the game has finally arrived. The question is, did it deliver?

Are MMOs Becoming Too Casual?

If you’ve been around the world of MMOs for a while, you’ve probably heard it said: “MMOs are becoming more casual!” Sure, sometimes there’s a qualifier in there, but it’s a chestnut complaint. But is it true? Chris and Ryan sit down for another spirited debate and try to answer the question: Are MMOs Becoming Too Casual?

March 2015 - The Biggest Month Yet for RPGs

Final Fantasy Type-0. Bloodborne. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. Pillars of Eternity. Over a short two weeks, we RPG fans are treated to an onslaught of quality games unlike any other month in recent memory. It’s a month to be excited for and you’d better believe we are! Here’s why.

New Content vs New Systems

Patches are the way of life for MMO players. They come and they go, but until a developer lays out exactly what each patch means to them, there’s no way of telling what’s in store. Some games wait months, like World of Warcraft, before release, while others, like RIFT, come out so quick it makes you wonder what the rest of the industry is doing wrong.

GDC 2015: Is VR the Future of Role-Playing Games?

At GDC this week, Valve rocked the gaming world with the unveiling of the virtual reality headset, the Vive. Not to be outdone, Sony revealed their updated Project Morpheus VR headset which leads the industry in hardware, but remains exclusive to PlayStation devices. With release dates of less than a year, virtual reality is coming, but will it succeed?

That's Not an RPG!

Week after week, we hear the same things: That’s not an RPG! That’s not an MMO! Why are you covering that? In this week’s RPG Files, we’re going to look at what makes an RPG in 2015 and why it’s time for our definitions to evolve.

Is P2P Doomed?

Welcome to Player Versus Player, the bi-weekly column that throws two writers in a cage in a battle of faction warfare. We debate the topics nearest and dearest to your heart and then throw it in the comments to you to decide the victor. This week, we cast our gaze to business models and ask whether it’s time for Pay to Play to go the way of the Dodo.

Darkest Dungeon - The Redemption of Early Access

The games media has been on fire this week. The topic, not for the first time, has been Steam Early Access – or more precisely, Peter Molyneux, but we’ll get to that later. Amidst all the chaos of broken promises and players rightfully feeling taken for a ride, we’ve had the chance to play a game that does Early Access right: Red Hook Studios’ Darkest Dungeon. It’s a game with fresh ideas and a sense of style.

The End of Bioware’s Never-Ending RPG

Bioware made it official this week: Shadow Realms has been cancelled. The promising idea -- a never-ending 4-versus-1 RPG -- wasn’t enough to keep the tide from turning at Bioware Austin and now a wide swath of hopeful fans are disappointed. But should we be? Read on as we look at what might have happened and the gilding on this otherwise sorrowful lily.

Could B2P Hurt Elder Scrolls Online?

Welcome to Player Versus Player, the column that pits two MMORPG writers against each other in a battle wits, tears, and experience points. Twice a month, we take to our podiums to debate both sides of your most heated arguments. This week, Elder Scrolls Online rocked our newsfeeds with the bombshell that the game would be going buy-to-play before its summer console launch. Our topic: Is this a good thing for the game or the beginning of the end?

Experiencing the Undead Apocalypse First-hand

Dying Light is Techland’s third foray into the world of first-person zombie survival horror. Have they learned from the Dead Island series or is the game washed out to sea alongside Dead Island: Riptide? Find out in our full review.

Dying Light First Impressions

you’re forgiven if your response was, “wait, that zombie game?” Even though the marketing did an terrible job of explaining the RPG side of Dying Light, I’ve spent a few hours with the game and have no reservations: Dying Light has the reanimated heart of a roleplaying game. Purists may not be happy, but if can wrap your head around first-person, zombie smashing, breakneck parkour with a dash of survival, and deep character progression, you have a first-of-its-kind RPG.

Roccat Ryos TKL Pro Mechanical Keyboard

Being a PC gamer means rising to the challenge. Whether you casually play MMOs or are a competitive e-sports aficionado, at some point you’ve looked at your hardware and wondered whether it was time to upgrade. Most of us overlook the keyboard, or maybe make our choices based on the lighting options. That’s a problem, as the Roccat Ryos TKL mechanical keyboard so easily proves.