Dark or Light

Christopher Coke

Chris cut his teeth on MMOs in the late 90s with text-based MUDs. He’s written about video games for many different sites but has made MMORPG his home since 2013. Today, he acts as Hardware and Technology Editor, lead tech reviewer, and continues to love and write about games every chance he gets. Follow him on Twitter: @GameByNight

September 2009
Last Active
February 2025
Mobile RPGs Have Major Problems

In the days leading up to this week’s RPG Files, mobile dominated the news cycle. This week saw the rollout of Pokemon Go, Snail Games Kingdom Warriors, Soul Ark getting down with its turn-based self, and, most unexpectedly, Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast. It has Chris wondering, maybe it’s time he start caring about mobile RPGs!

Hands-On with the System Shock Remake Demo

System Shock, one of the most legendary PC action RPGs is getting another shot at greatness with a modern reboot. This week, Night Dive Studios, launched their Kickstarter campaign to fund a complete remake of the game, complete with new assets, new voice over, a brand new score, and all of the polish modern gamers expect in their RPGs. Even better, it came with a free demo to see just what they have in mind.

Zelda Was In Trouble, Breath of Wind Might Save It

Zelda: Breath of the Wild was the unexpected Game of the Show for many fans at this year’s E3. Many of us expected what Nintendo has been delivering: more Zelda. This time Link would be in an open world, of course, but by and large the series kept its mainstays only making additions within a well-worn wrapper.

The RPG News of E3 2016

Another E3 has come and gone and with it another tidal wave of gaming news. This week in the RPG Files, we’re looking at all of the roleplaying news that’s fit to print. Read on to see just what this year’s biggest presser had for RPG fans!

The RPG Fan's Guide to E3 2016

The week before E3 is like the calm before the storm. As we prepare for our very own video game super bowl, we’re here with a handy guide of just what to expect from this year’s Electronics Entertainment Expo.

No Man’s Sky Will Probably Disappoint You

Hold onto your hats, pilots. No Man’s Sky has been delayed until August. With expectations soaring incredibly high, this week the RPG Files asks whether this first-person space adventure could ever live up to the hype. Plus, The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine reviews, Kings and Heroes’ Early Access Launch, new Final Fantasy XV gameplay details and more in this week’s Quick Hits!

Finding the RPG in May's Biggest Games

RPGs may be our first love, but that doesn’t mean we don’t play other games! This week, we’re taking a look at some of the biggest non-RPGs of the month and pulling out the pieces RPG players might enjoy.

The Top 5 Steam RPG Trends That Need to Go Away

Steam is the go-to place for PC gamers. Unfortunately, it wades into its own version of Fallout 4’s wasteland. For every good game, there are 100 bad, side by side in every category. Sure, you can sort and filter, but none of it seems quite as good as it should be. Here are the RPG Files top five trends we wish would go away.

The Witcher 3's Next Expansion is a Game Changer

This was a big week for fans of The Witcher 3. Not only did we find out that the final, massive expansion, Blood and Wine, will be releasing on May 31st, but the embargo on a March preview event expired, leading to an incredible info dump of exciting details (credit to Dmax3901 on NeoGaf). Its safe to say, Blood and Wine is a game changer.

Fallout 4’s Far Harbor is DLC We Should Support

We’re breaking from the usual mold this week to bring you an expanded version of the week’s biggest news stories. We’ll be back to editorializing, but there were just too many things worth expounding on. Read our thoughts, then let us know yours in the comments below!

With Console Upgrades, PC Gamers Win

The internet has been abuzz for most of the last month under speculation of Sony and Microsoft releasing major hardware upgrades to their consoles. Readers of this site are used to the idea of upgrading our PC hardware every few years. Console players are outraged. As a PS4 owner, I understand that rage, but the PC player in me is struggling to find a downside.

Ubisoft is Right to Punish Cheaters, Now to Fix Their Game...

On April 12th, Ubisoft Massive released its first major content addition to The Division, finally adding its version of raids, called Incursions. While the additional content for max level players is welcome, the execution of the update was terrible. In no time at all, players were exploiting the raid and earning multiple max level items, breaking the Dark Zone while they were at it. Ubisoft needs to teach these players a harsh lesson.

24 Tips for Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3 is upon us and our souls are lost! Literally, in this case, as death means dropping all of your hard earned souls and maybe losing them forever. Have no fear, MMORPG.com is here! Check out our RPG Files guide of tips and tricks to get your started and slaying in no time.

How Destiny is Better Than The Division

Two weeks ago, our RPG columnist wrote a controversial editorial describing how he thought The Division was already better than Destiny. He’s dove head first back into Destiny and spent the last two weeks rediscovering what he loved when the game launched, and it’s expansions, each launched. This week in the RPG Files, we’re going to look at the flip side of the coin and explore how Destiny is better than the Division.

Dark Souls 3 Should Have an Easy Mode

Dark Souls is a tough series and beating it, or even a single boss, is a mark of pride. In the lead-up to the launch of Dark Souls 3, our RPG columnist has spent his week considering just what people love about the game and why others find it just so impenetrable. Dark Souls is one of the last bastions of truly challenging gameplay and that shouldn’t change. But for some, an easy mode might be just the trick.