June 2006
Last Active
February 2018
Dan Fortier sat down for a quick chat with CCP's Huni "TomB" Hinrichsen about EVE Online's New Combat Features.
Dan Fortier returns this week to talk about his take on the idea of MMO addiction.
Dan Fortier returns today with his MMOWTF column. This week, Dan is making some predictions about the upcoming 2007 MMORPG releases.
Dan Fortier and Garrett Fuller re-ignight the spark of the Staurday Debate to talk about the benefits and detractors of the fantasy genre in MMORPGs.
2006 was an eventful year in the world of MMORPGs, and Dan Fortier returns this week to give us a look back at the year that was.
Dan Foriter returns this week with his MMOWTF column. Last Week, Dan asked for your votes for the worst of 2006. This week, he gives you the winners.
Dan Fortier returns this week with his MMOWTF column. This time around, he's looking for nominations for his own, 2006 MMOWTF Awards, highlighting the less-than-savory of 2006.
Dan Fortier turns his critical eye towards the CCP Games (EVE Online) / White Wolf Publishing merger.
Dan Fortier looks at adult MMOs like Age of Conan and 2Moons and why this may or may not be a good idea.
Magnus Bergsson of CCP Games talks to our Dan Fortier about Path to Kali and other things that have gone on in the EVE universe since we last spoke.
In his second column, Fortier takes aim at Thrones of Chaos.