Dark or Light

Dan Fortier

June 2006
Last Active
February 2018
MMOWTF: So You Want to be a Gold Pimp?

This week, a virtual prostitute inspires Dan Fortier to write about some other dubious in-game professions.

The Tedium of Being Evil

This week, Dan Fortier muses about the idea of playing a genuinely evil character in an MMORPG.

The Future is Mod

Dan Fortier returns this week for a special Friday edition of MMOWTF. This time around, Dan tackles the idea of player created mods and the possibilities for MMORPG gaming.

Linear Systems

This week, Dan Fortier takes a look at linear systems as a trend in MMORPGs.

The Extinction of the Nerd?

This week, Dan Fortier waxes philospohical about the extinction of the "nerd" as he / she has always been known.

Dark Ages in the Ultima World of LameQuest

This week, Dan Fortier takes an April Fool's walk on the wild side as he presents his weekly MMOWTF column, this week titled: Dark Ages in the Ultima World of LameQuest.

Interchangeable Alternate Lives and Stuff

Dan Fortier returns this week to talk about Alternate Accounts in MMORPGs.

Teh Grind

Dan Fortier returns this week to talk about the endless grind of some MMORPGs.

Lax on the HaXzors?

Dan Fortier returns this week to talk about his opinions of MMORPG cheating.

Do-It-Yourself MMO Rant

Dan Fortier returns this week to give us all an easy-to-use template for our very own MMO rant.

Game Wide Markets / Auction Houses

Staff Writers Dan Fortier and Derek Czerkaski take opposite sides of the issue of game wide markets and auction houses. Do they help or hinder?

Feel The <3

Dan Fortier returns this week to talk about the way that your gaming life can affect your real life and vice versa.

Vapor Where?

Dan Fortier returns this week to talk about his different categories of vaporare games.

Quitters Never Win, But Why Do They Quit?

Dan Fortier returns this week to talk about his take on why players quit their games.

Beta: Serious Testing or Free Trial?

This week, Dan Fortier and Derek Czerkaski check in with our Saturday Debate. The question is, are beta test supposed to be for serious testing purposes, or are they merely a free trial of the game?